Friday, June 7, 2024

Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, the body is still producing insulin but it is not being utilized properly.  

This is known as insulin resistance.  When a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, 

there are more treatment options available to them as opposed to people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. 

Depending on the blood sugar levels in a patient, their weight and other health factors, 

the doctor will decide whether the diabetes can be controlled by one of the following methods:

* Diet and exercise – a healthy balanced diet with regular exercise can be used for people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes whose blood sugar levels are only 

slightly elevated

* Oral medication – is for patients whose blood sugars are higher than they should be but not to the point that necessitates an injection of insulin

* Insulin injections – a daily injection (or more) of insulin is needed when higher blood sugars are present 

A type 2 diabetic may cycle through the different treatment methods throughout their lifetime.  It is based on how well they are managing their diabetes and how their body is reacting to the treatment plan.  

Some people will never have to go past the diet and exercise portion and can gain control by maintaining a healthy body weight and eating the right foods on a diabetic diet.

Other people may start at diet and exercise but as the disease progresses may have to move from oral medication to injections over time.  

These changes will be determined by your doctor based on physical check-ups and the results of your daily blood sugar monitoring. 

If you would like to cut back on your medication or the type of treatment you are on, speak to your doctor about your goal and a plan can be put in place to better manage your diabetes.

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