Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lysara, the Twi'lik Jedi

The Twi'lik Jedi

 Background: Lysara hails from the vibrant city of Ryloth, nestled within the rocky canyons and lush forests of her homeworld. As a skilled pilot and mechanic, she navigates the treacherous skies in her modified starship, the Stardancer. Her lekku, a source of pride and cultural identity, bear the celestial patterns that connect her to the cosmos.

Personality: Lysara is fiercely independent, with a rebellious spirit that matches the untamed beauty of Ryloth. Her loyalty lies with her crew, and she’ll risk everything to protect them. Beneath her stoic exterior, she harbors dreams of exploring distant galaxies and uncovering the secrets of ancient civilizations.

Build: Slender and graceful, with hidden strength honed through years of physical labor.

Personality: Lysarais a quiet and thoughtful individual, possessing a deep appreciation for the beauty and artistry in everyday life. Though she is reserved by nature, her passion for her craft shines through in her warm smile and gentle demean n the rhythm of her work.

Occupation: A skilled sculptor who uses a variety of materials, including salvaged metal, gemstones, and even lekku scales, to create intricate and expressive sculptures. Her pieces often tell stories of her people's history and culture, capturing their resilience and spirit.

Additional details:

Lysara wears simple, yet elegant clothing made from woven fabrics in shades of blue and silver, often adorned with intricate beadwork that reflects the patterns on her lekku.

 She has a small workshop tucked away in a bustling marketplace, where the rhythmic clanging of her tools and the soft glow of her furnace create a sense of calm amidst the city's chaos.

Lysara is fiercely independent but harbors a deep respect for tradition. She often incorporates elements of her culture's art and symbolism into her work, preserving their legacy while still pushing the boundaries of her craft.

Lysara is a quiet and thoughtful individual, possessing a deep appreciation for the beauty and artistry in both the physical world and the Force. Though reserved by nature, her compassion and empathy shine through in her actions and gentle demeanor. Despite facing past hardships, she maintains a strong sense of resilience and hope, finding balance and guidance through the Force.

Occupation: Jedi Knight and sculptor. Xylo's connection to the Force allows her to imbue her sculptures with a subtle energy, sometimes even granting them temporary life or protective properties. She uses her artistic talents to document the history and culture of different planets, capturing the essence of their people and their connection to the Force.

Additional details:

Lysara's Jedi garb is a blend of practicality and artistic flair. She wears a modified version of the traditional Jedi tunic and pants, incorporating blue and silver accents that echo the markings on her lekku.

 Her lightsaber hilt is a unique creation, crafted from lightsaber crystal and salvaged materials, designed to resemble a sculptor's chisel.

Lysara's deep connection to the Force allows her to understand and appreciate different cultures and perspectives. This makes her a valuable asset during diplomatic missions and conflict resolution within the Jedi Order.

Are Dating Guides Useful?


Dating can be HARD. No one is denying that fact. 

Actually, everyone seems to be so aware of just how difficult dating can be that everywhere you look there are dating guides of some sort. These things sell like hot cakes, too. The problem is that the majority of these guides aren’t worth the space they take up online to advertise them. If you think about it honestly, can there REALLY be that many dating gurus and experts around that are taking the time to write books? 

Many people do purchase these online ebooks. They also order the physical books that promise to help get that man or that woman that you want. Most of the people that author these books should be sued for false advertising because the only thing they’re an expert in is how to make passive income. The books, themselves, are very often a huge disappointment to the people that buy them. 

So, are these dating guides really useful? The answer to this question is yes and no. For people that always seem to have bad luck with picking the wrong people to try to date, or those that are simply too shy to deal with the dating arena, these guides can be helpful. There can be some useful advice in these books by the REAL experts on the subject of dating in this new age. The problem is that many of the so-called “dating gurus” aren’t actually experts at all, as readers will notice almost from the first page of the book. 

Many dating guides instruct men to behave in such a way around women that they’re more likely to be slapped than dated. Unless men are in a certain part of town and around a particular type of women, they’re not going to be successful by using the “tips” in ebooks written by men that have bedded a significant number of women around the world. Of course, you may just WANT a series of one night stands. If so, by all means, take the advice these Lotharios are handing out.

On the other hand, there are just as many of these devious books for women as for men. Women aren’t going to get a lot from them unless they’re completely new to the dating game. However, is a 16 year old girl REALLY going to buy a dating guide that caters to women that are “legal?” If so, it’s only going to confuse her more than ever. 

If you feel that you need a bit of help with dating, you probably have friends that will be more than happy to offer advice. Many times, that’s the best route to take. However, if you’re really serious about the advice you need, do your research before ordering just any dating guide online that looks useful. 

Dig into the author’s background and find out what their qualifications are for handing out dating advice. Also, keep in mind that helpful advice doesn’t always have to come from someone with “Dr.” in front of their name. Lots of times, someone with “real life” experience can be even more helpful because they’re real and have lived everything they’re telling you. The choice is yours as to what you feel is going to help you the most. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Diabetics: Gestational Diabetes

 Gestational Diabetes weight gain??

Gaining too much or too little weight during pregnancy can risk both mom and baby’s health.

Most women think of pregnancy as the one time in their lives that they are free to gain weight. They carry out nightly refrigerator raids, forgo their formerly tough workout sessions and declare family-size ice cream tubs as single-serving containers. Hey, I do have a family member growing inside of me! And while anyone who does comment on a pregnant woman’s weight gain will likely live to regret it, there is reason for concern over too-big belly bumps. About half of women gain too much weight during pregnancy, according to a 2015 Obstetrics & Gynecology study of more than 44,000 women. The effects hit more than vanity. Excess weight gain puts women at risk for health problems including pre-eclampsia (a potentially deadly condition marked by high blood pressure and damage to organs such as the kidneys), says Gema Sanabria-Martinez, a maternal and fetal medicine researcher at the Virgen de la Luz Hospital in Spain.

Furthermore, excess weight gain is to blame for up to 20 percent of pregnant women developing gestational diabetes, in which blood sugar levels are too high during pregnancy. Women who develop gestational diabetes are seven times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes in the years following pregnancy. This may be due to metabolism disorders that can progress during gestational diabetes, Sanabria-Martinez says.

Mom’s weight can also affect baby’s health. After delivery, babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are at risk for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), jaundice, breathing problems and admittance to the neonatal intensive care unit, adds Stephen Thung, chief of obstetrics at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Children of women who gain too much weight during pregnancy are also more than four times likelier to be overweight at age 3 than those whose mothers gained the right amount, per research from Harvard Medical School.

While less common than gaining too much weight, gaining too little (or even losing) weight during pregnancy can also contribute to serious health complications, including preterm births, low birth weights and, according to a 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology study, overweight children. In the recent Obstetrics & Gynecology study, about 1 in 5 women didn’t gain enough weight during pregnancy. Women with the highest BMIs or body mass indexes, indicators of one’s height-to-weight ratio, were twice as likely to gain too little weight compared to other women in the study.

Know Your Numbers: Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

So where’s the scale-moving sweet spot? Well, it depends on how much you weighed before your pregnancy test displayed a smiley face. According to the Institute of Medicine’s current guidelines, women who were at a normal weight (a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9) before conception should gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Women who were underweight (a BMI of less than 18.5) should gain between 28 and 40 pounds during pregnancy. Women who were overweight (a BMI of 25 to 29.9), should aim for 15 to 25 pounds. For obese women (a BMI of 30 or greater), 11 to 20 pounds gained is recommended. (Although some experts believe it’s OK for obese women to gain less weight, weight loss during pregnancy is always discouraged, Thung says.)

  • In California, law AB 2098, which went into effect January 1, 2023, gives the state power to take away doctors’ medical licenses if they spread “misinformation” that goes against the standard COVID-19 rhetoric
  • The trend to allow a Pharma-controlled government to silence your doctor and dictate basic components of your medical care is not confined to the U.S. — it’s happening globally

Friday, May 3, 2024

Diabeties: Hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia. What to do.

In a perfect diabetic world, you take your insulin, eat your meals and exercise and your blood glucose levels remain stable.  But things happen, you take your insulin late, you eat a light meal and then spend all afternoon running errands.  This is a recipe for hypoglycemia a condition when your blood glucose levels fall dangerously low.

Hypoglycemia isn't so much a hazard for the baby but it is for a mom with gestational diabetes.  The best way to prevent this from happening is to know the signs and how you feel when you blood sugar is getting low and to carry emergency supplies with you at all times.  

Some of the symptoms of low blood sugar include feeling:

* Hungry

* Nauseous

* Light-headed

* Faint

In the case of any of these symptoms, you should test your blood sugar right away and have something to eat.  The best choice is a glass of juice or another food item that is considered fast-acting such as a piece of fruit or a piece of candy.  Carry something with you at all times and a regular snack too.  If you are out and need to eat (say you are stuck in your car during a traffic jam) it is important to have food with you.

Other precautions that you should take when you have gestational diabetes include 

carrying a card or another item that identifies you have diabetes and what type of insulin you are taking.  The worse case scenario is you passing out and the people who come to help you need to know that you are diabetic.  Make sure people at work and your family members are aware of your condition and know what warning signs to look for if you need help and when to bring your some juice or something else to eat.

While a combination influenza-COVID mRNA jab has not yet been approved, it's in the pipeline,9 so it's only a matter of time before they "simplify" your life further by recommending a combo jab.

Commenting on the new COVID jab strategy, Dr. Deb Salas-Lopez, senior vice president for community and population health at Northwell Health, told NewsDay she believes making it an annual shot "may convince more people to get it,"10 which is precisely the thinking of the FDA as well.

Eara, Jedi Mermaid

 Ezara, the Ebony Jedi Mermaid

Deep within the azure depths of the ocean, where the sun’s rays dare not penetrate, there existed a hidden realm known as Aquanox. Here, the merfolk thrived, their iridescent scales shimmering like moonlit pearls. Among them, Ezara was unlike any other—a mermaid with skin as dark as the abyss itself.

Ezara’s lineage traced back to an ancient order—the Sirens of the Obsidian Veil. These mystical beings were both feared and revered, for they possessed a unique gift: the ability to manipulate water and weave it into powerful spells. Their magic was as unpredictable as the tides, and their loyalty lay not with the surface world but with the secrets buried beneath.

As a child, Ezara discovered her affinity for the Force—an energy that flowed through all living things. She honed her abilities in the hidden caves, guided by the whispers of forgotten sea witches. Her mentor, the enigmatic Coral Sage, taught her to harness the currents, to bend reality itself. But with great power came great responsibility, and Ezara soon realized that her destiny was entwined with a cosmic balance—one that transcended the boundaries of land and sea.

The Ebony Jedi Mermaid’s weapon of choice was a trident forged from black coral, its prongs humming with ancient incantations. She wore a cloak spun from the silk of phantom jellyfish, concealing her form as she glided through shipwrecks and lost cities. Her eyes held the wisdom of eons, and her voice could command storms or lull sailors into eternal slumber.

Yet, Ezara harbored a secret—a memory locked away in the depths of her heart. Long ago, she had loved a human—a dashing sailor named Kael. Their forbidden romance had ignited wars between the merfolk and the surface dwellers. Kael had vanished, leaving only a silver locket—a relic that whispered promises of reunion.

Now, as the tides shifted and cosmic alignments drew near, Ezara embarked on a quest. She sought the Oracle of the Abyss, a seer who could unravel the threads of fate. Legends spoke of a forgotten prophecy: when the stars aligned, the Ebony Jedi Mermaid would choose between love and duty. Her decision would tip the balance, either saving Aquanox or plunging it into eternal darkness.


Ezara’s journey took her through treacherous currents, past Leviathan-guarded gates, and into the Cavern of Echoing Whispers. There, she faced trials that tested her resolve. She communed with ancient spirits, deciphered cryptic runes, and glimpsed glimpses of her lost love in the shimmering reflections.

As the cosmic alignment neared, Ezara stood at the precipice of destiny. The Oracle revealed the truth: Kael was not lost but imprisoned—a pawn in a cosmic game played by gods and mortals alike. To free him, Ezara must sacrifice her powers, sever her connection to the Force, and become mortal. But doing so would unleash a cataclysm that threatened both worlds.

The Ebony Jedi Mermaid made her choice. She descended to the sunlit surface, her scales fading to human skin. There, she found Kael, his memories fragmented, his soul bound by ancient curses. With a kiss, she shattered her trident, releasing her magic into the world. The sea wept, and the stars trembled.



Ezara and Kael walked hand in hand, their love defying fate. As the sun dipped below the horizon, she whispered forgotten spells, weaving a new reality—one where love transcended boundaries, where mermaids and humans coexisted in harmony.

And so, the Ebony Jedi Mermaid faded into legend, her sacrifice etched into the currents. But those who listened closely could still hear her voice—a haunting melody that echoed across time and space, reminding all that love was the most potent magic of all.

May her tale inspire the hearts of those who seek the mysterious depths, where darkness and light entwine. ???

Saturday, April 27, 2024

.Diabetes: Natural Treatment


Effective Natural Treatment.

Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy for daily life requirements. It is still a mystery the cause of diabetes although genetically and environmentally influence such as not enough exercise and obesity play a role. 

To understand diabetes, it is good to learn something about pancreas, the long and thin situated behind our stomach. Pancreas is responsible for regulating the body’s use of glucose. It has two main functions: firstly to produce pancreatic endocrine hormones which assist in regulating our metabolism and secondly to produce pancreatic digestive enzymes. 
 When the blood glucose levels begin to rise, it is insulin’s job to push muscle and fat cells to absorb whatever glucose they need for future activities whereas any surplus will store by the liver. There are some individuals either do not produce enough insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or their body resists whatever insulin is produced (Type 2 diabetes), thus an outside source production is necessary. 

Either way, the result is the same. Type 1 or also know as juvenile-onset diabetes, typically affects children and young adults and is genetically-linked. Type 2 which also known as adult-onset diabetes occurs in adults and is linked to obesity. Symptoms of both types include blurred vision, fatigue, frequent, bladder infections, increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, nausea, skin infections, vaginitis and vomiting. If not treated, diabetes type 1 and 2, can cause blood vessel damage, gangrene, heart attack, kidney damage, nerve damage, stork and vision problems.

How Glucosium Can Help: Glucosium is a popular diabetes treatment of natural ingredients which can help control blood sugar, stimulate your body’s insulin production, limit nerve damage and much more. This revolutionary supplement has shown amazing benefits for people with diabetes, as well as preventative properties for those who are exposed to a higher risk for diabetes. Last advice: do exercise, eat right and supplement your body with the proper nutrients that help your body to produce the insulin it was supposed to have.

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Jedi Angel-Seraphina

 Seraphina, the Jedi Angel

In a distant galaxy where celestial realms and cosmic forces intertwined, there existed an extraordinary being named Seraphina. She was not your typical angel with feathery wings and a halo; instead, her wings shimmered like stardust, and her eyes held the secrets of galaxies yet to be discovered.

Seraphina was a Jedi Knight, trained in the ancient ways of the Force. Her ethereal presence masked her true power, and she moved silently through the universe, balancing her celestial duties with her Jedi responsibilities.

Her mission was clear: to protect the fragile balance between light and darkness. The cosmic currents whispered of an impending cataclysm—a rift that threatened to tear apart the very fabric of existence. Only a chosen one could bridge this gap and restore harmony.

One fateful day, as she meditated atop a crystalline asteroid, a holographic projection appeared before her. It was Master Yoda, the venerable Jedi Grand Master. His wrinkled face bore the weight of eons, and his voice echoed across the cosmos.

“Seraphina,” he intoned, “you are the last hope. The prophecy speaks of an angelic warrior who will wield both blade and wing. You must journey to the forbidden planet of Nebula Prime, where the rift awaits.”

With resolve burning in her celestial heart, Seraphina set forth. Her wings carried her through nebulous storms and asteroid fields, and her lightsaber hummed at her side. Along the way, she encountered cosmic pirates, rogue droids, and star-bound sorcerers—all testing her mettle.

On Nebula Prime, she found a desolate landscape—a fractured world where light and shadow battled for supremacy. The rift pulsed at the planet’s core, threatening to consume everything. As she descended into the abyss, her wings glowed with celestial fire.

There, she faced her nemesis: Lord Malachar, a fallen angel who had succumbed to the allure of the dark side. His wings were tattered, and his eyes blazed with malevolence. He wielded a crimson lightsaber, its blade fueled by cosmic rage.

“Seraphina,” Lord Malachar sneered, “you dare interfere? This rift is my gateway to ultimate power!”

Their clash echoed across the astral plains. Seraphina danced on the precipice of light and darkness, her wings deflecting blaster bolts and her lightsaber carving arcs of brilliance. She whispered forgotten prayers, channeling both the Force and her celestial essence.

As the rift trembled, Seraphina glimpsed its truth: it was a cosmic wound, a scar left by ancient gods who battled eons ago. To mend it, she needed more than her Jedi training; she needed her angelic heritage.

With a cry that resonated through galaxies, she spread her wings wide. Their luminescence intensified, and she soared toward the rift. The celestial energies surged, knitting the fabric of reality. Lord Malachar howled, but she held firm.

In that moment, Seraphina became more than an angel or a Jedi. She was a bridge—a living conduit between realms. The rift sealed, and the cosmic forces harmonized. Nebula Prime blossomed with new life, and the stars themselves sang her praises.

Master Yoda appeared once more, his hologram flickering. “Balance restored, young one,” he said. “You are the cosmic equilibrium—the angelic Jedi.”

And so, Seraphina continued her celestial odyssey, her wings carrying her to distant constellations, her lightsaber blazing like a comet’s tail. She was the legend whispered among stars—the angel who danced with galaxies and wielded the Force.

And in the quiet of cosmic nights, her name echoed: Seraphina, the Jedi Angel.

Lysara, the Twi'lik Jedi

The Twi'lik Jedi  Background: Lysara hails from the vibrant city of Ryloth, nestled within the rocky canyons and lush forests of her ho...