Thursday, May 30, 2024

Problems Caused by Limp Noodle

 Emotional and Psychological Problems can Caused Erectile Dysfunction

For many men out there, erectile dysfunction isn’t the result of any health problem with their body. Instead it is the result of emotional or psychological problems they are experiencing or have experienced in the past. This makes sense because in order for a man to get an erection signals must be sent to the nerves from the brain. If the messages there aren’t what they should be the end result will not be what he had in mind.

Stress is a huge factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction. It can be hard to concentrate on the enjoyment of sexual activities when you have too much on your plate. While we can’t eliminate all of the stress from our lives we can certainly reduce plenty of it. Take a serious look at your life. If you continue to have too much stress due to work, finances, relationships, or other concerns you need to find solutions.

Some men feel that there is too much pressure on them to perform sexually. They may really want to be with someone but have low self esteem. As a result of that they have too much anxiety about how they will perform in the eyes of the other person. Such expectations can result in erectile dysfunction. Some males have been belittled by previous partners so they aren’t confident in their abilities to satisfy the person they are with now.

Emotional and Psychological Problems can Caused Erectile Dysfunction

Being completely worn down can result in erectile dysfunction. Some people view this as a physical problem but it doesn’t always fit that profile. It is possible for a man to be mentally exhausted. This is most common when a serious situation has taken place. For example the emotions that come with the loss of a loved one, a divorce, or even the loss of their job. Depression can also result in a man suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Being sexually abused as a child can have life long effects on a man. Sometimes these events are known but buried into the subconscious. As the male becomes of age when he starts to take part in sexual activity they can become an emotional response. Anxiety and guilt can be associated with the excitement of it. As a result they may not be able to maintain an erection. This is going to be a very difficult type of experience to overcome but it can be done.

Some males are raised in an environment that tells them it isn’t proper to have sexual intercourse unless they are married. Those values may be instilled by the family or as part of their religious beliefs. Either way it can create a psychological dilemma for them to deal with. Even if they don’t realize that internal conflict is present, it can result in erectile dysfunction occurring.

Talking to a therapist or a counselor can help you to identify the various emotional and psychological problems that are causing the erectile dysfunction. A man needs to be very open to this type of assistance. He also needs to be patient because it can take time for results to occur. Being able to explore inner thoughts and feelings though can be rewarding in a number of ways.

For some men, counseling with their partner is the best course of action. The problems with erectile dysfunction may be due to that relationship. For example some men aren’t able to get or maintain an erection after they discover their partner has cheated on them. They may have repressed anger for other aspects of the relationship that aren’t being shared yet either.

The idea that emotional and psychological problems can be responsible for erectile dysfunction is very important. An appointment with your doctor can help to rule out any physical problems that may be responsible. An assessment is often given to help determine if it is a mental concern that needs to be looked at. 

Following the advice of your doctor in this area can help you get your sex life as well as other elements of your world into a more positive position.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The Road to Intuition

 The Road to Intuition

Have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was eventually translated to reality? 

When you feel strongly about something without logical basis to it, that's called intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or "the third eye", sensing clearly and feeling through listening. 

Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know what is happening somewhere.

Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as "hunch" or "gut feel." This is the time when you are overwhelmed with a feeling and you can't explain it and all you can say is "I just know."

On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to "listen" between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is - be it a car's honk or a bird's twitting - ushers in an intense feeling.

They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition. Astrologers even insist that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive it almost borders on E.S.P. But studies have been sprouting left and right that proclaim that anyone can develop intuition.

Why the need to develop intuition, you ask? Why not let your emotional and psychological state as it is? First and foremost, intuition promotes good communication. It makes you more sensitive to the people around you; it often keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to understand them. Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever. Intuition means releasing more creative juices for any means of expression. Lastly, intuition has a healing power. This healing power is not in the physical sense, but in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in it.

With that being said, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:

1. Hypnosis

Oh yes, get yourself hypnotized. Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum move back and forth. Perform self-hypnosis or you can avail of hypnotic programs that can strengthen your intuition.

2. Meditation

Meditating means finding peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are cluttered with too many baggage and hurt,  you wouldn't be able to quiet down that part of you that could eventually initiate intuition. There are so many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing that could bring you straight to Zen.

3. Think positive!

A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve your intuitive ability. By staying positive, you attract good energy that would be able to easily recognize imminent feelings and events.

4.  Just let go.

What does this mean? If you are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of all the inhibitions and head to a quiet place where you could find out where the letting go has brought you. Sometimes you just have to listen to the voice within you, and that voice wouldn't come out unless you let go.

5. Never expect.

After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop you from thinking and feeling clearly, never expect for an answer right away. Never expect that the "hunch" would fall on your lap immediately. Give it a little time then you'd just get surprised that -- wham! -- now you have your answer.

6. Believe in your first impressions.

When you see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for your taste, chances are that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.

7. Stay happy!

See? All you need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense power and such power includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given that premise, intuition will fall to you easily. 

Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads you to something that cannot be achieved otherwise. A lot of lives have been saved by intuition alone. Decisions are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition now and reap benefits you have never imagined. 

Lysara: Stardust Dancer Twi'lek

 Lysara T’vira’s Galactic Odyssey

The Stardancer, Lysara’s modified starship, hummed to life as she sat in the cockpit, her lekku twitching with anticipation. The coordinates were set, and the star map projected before her displayed a web of twinkling constellations. It was time for an adventure—one that would take her beyond the familiar canyons of Ryloth.

The Nebula’s Whispers: Lysara’s first stop was the Celestial Veil Nebula, a shimmering expanse of gas and dust. As she glided through its iridescent tendrils, she felt a strange connection to the ancient beings who once navigated these cosmic currents. Their whispers guided her toward a hidden wormhole—a gateway to uncharted realms.

The Lost Archives of Xal’Kor: Emerging from the wormhole, Lysara found herself near the planet Xal’Kor, a forgotten world steeped in mystery. Its crumbling libraries held secrets older than the stars themselves. With her blaster at her side and her lekku alert, she delved into the archives, deciphering glyphs and unlocking forbidden knowledge. What she discovered would change the course of the galaxy.

The Enigma of the Prism Moons: Legends spoke of the Prism Moons, a trio of crystalline satellites orbiting a distant gas giant. Each moon emitted a different hue—sapphire, amethyst, and emerald. Lysara’s quest led her there, where she encountered a race of ethereal beings known as the Luminae. They revealed that the moons were fragments of a shattered cosmic prism, and their reunion would unleash unimaginable power. But at what cost?

The Cosmic Serpent’s Labyrinth: Guided by star charts etched into her lekku, Lysara piloted the Stardancer to the Serpent’s Spine Nebula. Within its twisting corridors, she faced trials—a maze of shifting wormholes, riddles whispered by nebula spirits, and a colossal cosmic serpent that guarded the heart of the labyrinth. To reach the center was to gain cosmic enlightenment, but the serpent hungered for souls.

The Final Frontier: Lysara’s journey wasn’t just about exploration; it was about understanding her place in the cosmos. As she stood on the precipice of the Event Horizon, where time and space blurred, she glimpsed infinity. The lekku that bore the constellations pulsed with ancient energy. She spread her arms wide, embracing the void, and whispered, “I am stardust.”

And so, Lysara T’vira sailed beyond the stars, weaving her story into the cosmic tapestry. Her adventures were etched into the very fabric of existence, waiting to be discovered by those who dared to dream among the galaxies.


May the celestial winds carry Lysara’s name across the cosmos. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Relationship You Want

 The Relationship You Want

Be Upfront About The Relationship You Want

Too many people enter the dating game not fully sure of what they actually want to get out of it. Granted, most women are hoping to find Mr. Right so they can get married, settle down and start a family. However, not all women are looking for that type of relationship. Many are simply looking for someone that they can have fun with and relate to on an equal footing. Others only want someone to have a physical relationship with and aren’t actually interested in being involved with anyone.

Nothing is wrong with any of those reasons for dating. In fact, if all people wanted the exact same things in life, this would be a rather boring world to live in. Everyone is different in their own way and that’s what makes things interesting. However, if you’re looking for a particular type of relationship, it’s only fair that you let potential partners know exactly what you’re looking for. In that way, if you’re someone that wants the white picket fence, you won’t waste your time and the time of someone that only wants to date casually. It also keeps you from getting your feelings hurt. 

Also, consider the age group that you’ll fall into when looking for a great person to date. Like it or not, there are certain things that each age group is looking for in the majority. For instance, if you’re in your mid -30s, you’re probably going to find that there are a lot of divorced people in this group. They’ve already done the marriage and family thing and will usually come with some “extras,” such as children. So if you want to find Mr. Right and settle down but aren’t necessarily looking for a ready made family, you probably want to get that clear from the outset. 

Younger age groups are still in that phase of just having some fun. They want to party, take trips and just have fun in general when they’re not working. The people that fall into this group are typically not looking for anything truly serious, although they’re starting to understand that they’ll need to be a bit more particular in their dating partners. It just depends on which side of 25 they are.
Older groups such as 40, 50 and 60 years old are usually not hoping to start a family, especially women because by the time they hit 50 they’re going to have to adopt if they want children. Some men like the idea of being a father later in life but most are ready to start enjoying the things that having a career for several years has enabled them to do. They want to travel extensively and just enjoy life.

Then there’s the group that contains all ages. These can get a bit dicey because you can have a 45 year old woman dating a 25 year old man and their future plans can be totally different. On the other hand, they can be very similar in the present but change drastically in the future. So you need to be careful with that. 

: Adventures in Creative Thinking

 More than One Way to Skin a Cat: 

How many times have you caught yourself saying that there could be no other solution to a problem – and that that problem leads to a dead end? How many times have you felt stumped knowing that the problem laying before you is one you cannot solve. No leads.  No options.  No solutions.  

Did it feel like you had exhausted all possible options and yet are still before the mountain – large, unconquerable, and impregnable? When encountering such enormous problems, you may feel like you're hammering against a steel mountain. The pressure of having to solve such a problem may be overwhelming.

But rejoice! There might be some hope yet!

With some creative problem-solving techniques you may be able to look at your problem in a different light. And that light might just be the end of the tunnel that leads to possible solutions.

First of all, in the light of creative problem-solving, you must be open-minded to the fact that there may be more than just one solution to the problem. And, you must be open to the fact that there may be solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable.

Now, with this optimistic mindset, we can try to be a little bit more creative in solving our problems.

Number one; maybe the reason we cannot solve our problems is that we have not really taken a hard look at what the problem is. Here, trying to understanding the problem and having a concrete understanding of its workings is integral solving the problem. If you know how it works, what the problem is, then you have a better foundation towards solving the problem.

Not trying to make the simple statement of what problem is. Try to identify the participating entities and what their relationships with one another are. Take note of the things you stand to gain any stand to lose from the current problem. Now you have a simple statement of what the problem is.

Number two; try to take note of all of the constraints and assumptions you have the words of problem. Sometimes it is these assumptions that obstruct our view of possible solutions. You have to identify which assumptions are valid, in which assumptions need to be addressed.

Number three; try to solve the problem by parts. Solve it going from general view towards the more detailed parts of the problem. This is called the top-down approach. Write down the question, and then come up with a one-sentence solution to that from them. The solution should be a general statement of what will solve the problem. From here you can develop the solution further, and increase its complexity little by little.

Number four; although it helps to have critical thinking aboard as you solve a problem, you must also keep a creative, analytical voice at the back of your head. When someone comes up with a prospective solution, tried to think how you could make that solution work. Try to be creative. At the same time, look for chinks in the armor of that solution.

Number five; it pays to remember that there may be more than just one solution being developed at one time. Try to keep track of all the solutions and their developments. Remember, there may be more than just one solution to the problem.

Number six; remember that old adage," two heads are better than one." That one is truer than it sounds. Always be open to new ideas. You can only benefit from listening to all the ideas each person has. This is especially true when the person you're talking to has had experience solving problems similar to yours.

You don't have to be a gung-ho, solo hero to solve the problem. If you can organize collective thought on the subject, it would be much better.

Number seven; be patient. As long as you persevere, there is always a chance that a solution will present itself. Remember that no one was able to create an invention the first time around.

Creative thinking exercises can also help you in your quest be a more creative problems solver. 

Here is one example.

Take a piece of paper and write any word that comes to mind at the center. Now look at that word then write the first two words that come to your mind. This can go on until you can build a tree of related words. This helps you build analogical skills, and fortify your creative processes.

So, next time you see a problem you think you can not solve, think again. The solution might just be staring you right in the face. All it takes is just a little creative thinking, some planning, and a whole lot of work.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Blood Sugar Regulation

 Blood Sugar Regulation 

The pancreas releases insulin and glucagon (shown here in purple and green) to control blood sugar levels.
Blood sugar levels are a measure of how effectively an individual's body uses glucose. 
illustration of the pancreas releasing insulin and glucagon

When the body does not convert enough glucose for use, blood sugar levels remain high. Insulin helps the body's cells absorb glucose, lowering blood sugar and providing the cells with the glucose they need for energy.

When blood sugar levels are too low, the pancreas releases glucagon. Glucagon forces the liver to release stored glucose, which causes the blood sugar to rise.

Insulin and glucagon are both released by islet cells in the pancreas. These cells are clustered throughout the pancreas. Beta islet cells (B cells) release insulin, and alpha islet cells (A cells) release glucagon.

How insulin works
The body converts energy from carbohydrates into glucose. The body's cells need glucose for energy, but most cells cannot directly use glucose.

Insulin acts like a key to allow glucose to access the cells. It attaches to insulin receptors on cells throughout the body, telling those cells to open up and allow glucose to enter.

Low levels of insulin are constantly circulating throughout the body. When insulin rises, this signals to the liver that blood glucose is also high. The liver absorbs glucose, then changes it to a storage molecule called glycogen.

When blood sugar levels drop, glucagon signals the liver to convert the glycogen back to glucose. This makes blood sugar levels go up.

Insulin also supports healing after an injury by delivering amino acids to the muscles. Amino acids help build the protein found in muscle tissue, so when insulin levels are low, muscles may not heal properly.

How glucagon works
The liver must store glucose to power the cells during times of low blood sugar. Skipping meals and poor nutrition can lower blood sugar. By storing glucose, the liver makes sure blood glucose levels stay steady between meals or during sleep.

When blood glucose falls, cells in the pancreas secrete glucagon. Glucagon instructs the liver to convert glycogen to glucose. This makes glucose more available in the bloodstream. From there, insulin attaches to insulin receptors on cells to make sure they can absorb glucose.

Insulin and glucagon work in a cycle. Glucagon interacts with the liver to raise blood sugar, while insulin lowers blood sugar by helping the cells to use glucose.

  • In California, law AB 2098, which went into effect January 1, 2023, gives the state power to take away doctors’ medical licenses if they spread “misinformation” that goes against the standard COVID-19 rhetoric
  • The trend to allow a Pharma-controlled government to silence your doctor and dictate basic components of your medical care is not confined to the U.S. — it’s happening globally

Lysara's Quest for the Lost Temple

 Lysara and the Lost Temple

The call to adventure:

While meditating in the serene gardens of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Xylo experiences a vivid Force vision. It depicts a forgotten Jedi Temple, nestled amidst the vibrant coral reefs of an uncharted ocean world. The vision grants her a glimpse of an ancient Jedi artifact pulsating with a powerful, yet unstable, energy.

The reluctant hero:

Initially hesitant to leave her artistic pursuits, Lysara recognizes the potential danger the unstable artifact poses. Fearing it could fall into the wrong hands, she accepts the guidance of the Force and sets out on a journey to this uncharted world, accompanied only by her trusty astromech droid, PZ-9.


Trials and discoveries:

Their journey leads them through treacherous hyperspace routes and uncharted star systems. Xylo's piloting skills, honed during her travels as a sculptor, are put to the test as they navigate asteroid fields and evade pirates. Upon reaching the ocean world, they face the dangers of the bioluminescent coral reefs teeming with unknown creatures.

Unveiling the mystery:

Following cryptic clues gleaned from her vision and ancient Jedi texts, Xylo deciphers the location of the hidden temple. As they delve deeper into its depths, they encounter environmental puzzles and challenges that test Xylo's connection to the Force and her problem-solving skills.

Facing the unknown:

Within the temple, Xylo discovers the artifact – a lightsaber hilt unlike any she has ever seen. As she reaches for it, a spectral guardian, a former Jedi tasked with protecting the artifact, appears. Through a series of trials and riddles, the guardian tests Xylo's understanding of the Jedi Order's principles and her worthiness to wield the unstable lightsaber.

A choice to make:

Lysara learns that the lightsaber contains a powerful, untamed Force energy that could be used for immense good or catastrophic destruction. The guardian, impressed by Xylo's compassion and control, bestows upon her the choice – take the lightsaber and face the responsibility of mastering its power, or leave it within the temple to rest undisturbed.

The resolution:

After careful consideration, Xylo chooses to leave the lightsaber, recognizing that its immense power is not something she is ready to wield. However, her connection to the Force allows her to create a replica of the lightsaber hilt using her artistic skills and the knowledge she gained within the temple. This replica, imbued with the essence of her experience, serves as a powerful reminder of her adventure and the importance of balance and responsibility.

The return:

Returning to Coruscant, Lysara shares her experiences with the Jedi Council. The Council commends her bravery and resourcefulness, recognizing her potential for future endeavors that require both artistic ingenuity and deep connection to the Force. Lysara forever changed by her adventure, resumes her artistic pursuits, her sculptures now infused with a newfound depth and wisdom gained from her journey.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lysara, the Twi'lik Jedi

The Twi'lik Jedi

 Background: Lysara hails from the vibrant city of Ryloth, nestled within the rocky canyons and lush forests of her homeworld. As a skilled pilot and mechanic, she navigates the treacherous skies in her modified starship, the Stardancer. Her lekku, a source of pride and cultural identity, bear the celestial patterns that connect her to the cosmos.

Personality: Lysara is fiercely independent, with a rebellious spirit that matches the untamed beauty of Ryloth. Her loyalty lies with her crew, and she’ll risk everything to protect them. Beneath her stoic exterior, she harbors dreams of exploring distant galaxies and uncovering the secrets of ancient civilizations.

Build: Slender and graceful, with hidden strength honed through years of physical labor.

Personality: Lysarais a quiet and thoughtful individual, possessing a deep appreciation for the beauty and artistry in everyday life. Though she is reserved by nature, her passion for her craft shines through in her warm smile and gentle demean n the rhythm of her work.

Occupation: A skilled sculptor who uses a variety of materials, including salvaged metal, gemstones, and even lekku scales, to create intricate and expressive sculptures. Her pieces often tell stories of her people's history and culture, capturing their resilience and spirit.

Additional details:

Lysara wears simple, yet elegant clothing made from woven fabrics in shades of blue and silver, often adorned with intricate beadwork that reflects the patterns on her lekku.

 She has a small workshop tucked away in a bustling marketplace, where the rhythmic clanging of her tools and the soft glow of her furnace create a sense of calm amidst the city's chaos.

Lysara is fiercely independent but harbors a deep respect for tradition. She often incorporates elements of her culture's art and symbolism into her work, preserving their legacy while still pushing the boundaries of her craft.

Lysara is a quiet and thoughtful individual, possessing a deep appreciation for the beauty and artistry in both the physical world and the Force. Though reserved by nature, her compassion and empathy shine through in her actions and gentle demeanor. Despite facing past hardships, she maintains a strong sense of resilience and hope, finding balance and guidance through the Force.

Occupation: Jedi Knight and sculptor. Xylo's connection to the Force allows her to imbue her sculptures with a subtle energy, sometimes even granting them temporary life or protective properties. She uses her artistic talents to document the history and culture of different planets, capturing the essence of their people and their connection to the Force.

Additional details:

Lysara's Jedi garb is a blend of practicality and artistic flair. She wears a modified version of the traditional Jedi tunic and pants, incorporating blue and silver accents that echo the markings on her lekku.

 Her lightsaber hilt is a unique creation, crafted from lightsaber crystal and salvaged materials, designed to resemble a sculptor's chisel.

Lysara's deep connection to the Force allows her to understand and appreciate different cultures and perspectives. This makes her a valuable asset during diplomatic missions and conflict resolution within the Jedi Order.

Are Dating Guides Useful?


Dating can be HARD. No one is denying that fact. 

Actually, everyone seems to be so aware of just how difficult dating can be that everywhere you look there are dating guides of some sort. These things sell like hot cakes, too. The problem is that the majority of these guides aren’t worth the space they take up online to advertise them. If you think about it honestly, can there REALLY be that many dating gurus and experts around that are taking the time to write books? 

Many people do purchase these online ebooks. They also order the physical books that promise to help get that man or that woman that you want. Most of the people that author these books should be sued for false advertising because the only thing they’re an expert in is how to make passive income. The books, themselves, are very often a huge disappointment to the people that buy them. 

So, are these dating guides really useful? The answer to this question is yes and no. For people that always seem to have bad luck with picking the wrong people to try to date, or those that are simply too shy to deal with the dating arena, these guides can be helpful. There can be some useful advice in these books by the REAL experts on the subject of dating in this new age. The problem is that many of the so-called “dating gurus” aren’t actually experts at all, as readers will notice almost from the first page of the book. 

Many dating guides instruct men to behave in such a way around women that they’re more likely to be slapped than dated. Unless men are in a certain part of town and around a particular type of women, they’re not going to be successful by using the “tips” in ebooks written by men that have bedded a significant number of women around the world. Of course, you may just WANT a series of one night stands. If so, by all means, take the advice these Lotharios are handing out.

On the other hand, there are just as many of these devious books for women as for men. Women aren’t going to get a lot from them unless they’re completely new to the dating game. However, is a 16 year old girl REALLY going to buy a dating guide that caters to women that are “legal?” If so, it’s only going to confuse her more than ever. 

If you feel that you need a bit of help with dating, you probably have friends that will be more than happy to offer advice. Many times, that’s the best route to take. However, if you’re really serious about the advice you need, do your research before ordering just any dating guide online that looks useful. 

Dig into the author’s background and find out what their qualifications are for handing out dating advice. Also, keep in mind that helpful advice doesn’t always have to come from someone with “Dr.” in front of their name. Lots of times, someone with “real life” experience can be even more helpful because they’re real and have lived everything they’re telling you. The choice is yours as to what you feel is going to help you the most. 

The Aftermath of the Osirius Apocalypse

 The Osirius Apocalypse.  In the aftermath of the Osirius apocalypse, the once vibrant planet lay in ruins.  The skies, a tapestry of swirli...