Saturday, March 9, 2024

Stages of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Once you receive a diagnosis of breast cancer, your doctor will perform tests to determine the stage of your cancer.

Knowing the stage of your cancer is an important step in deciding how to treat it.
Your doctor may use the following tests and procedures to determine the stage of your breast cancer:

Lymph node biopsy (lymph node is removed to look for cancer cells)

Blood tests

Mammogram of the other breast

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Bone scan

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

The stages of breast cancer range from 0 to IV, and each stage from I to III has at least two sub-stages (IA, IB, etc.). The most advanced stage is IV.

The following are brief descriptions of each stage:

Stage 0: The cancer is noninvasive or contained within the milk ducts, lobules, or nipple.

Stage I: The cancer has formed a tumor two centimeters or smaller in size and has not spread outside the breast, except there may be small clusters of cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

Stage II: The cancer is growing but is still only in the breast or has spread to lymph nodes near the tumor, but not beyond.

Stage III: The cancer has spread beyond the tumor into lymph nodes and muscles. However, the cancer has not yet reached other organs.

Stage IV: Also called metastatic breast cancer, cancer in this stage has spread to other parts of the body, including the bones, lungs, liver, or brain.

Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

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