Friday, March 29, 2024


 What is a yeast infection?

Does vaginal yeast infection spread through sex?
According to experts, although the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection resemble that of sexually transmitted diseases, it does not spread through sex.

Can vaginal yeast infection increase the risk of contracting other STDs?
HIV in Women ImageGenerally, vaginal yeast infection does not increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. However, there are times where intense itchiness of the area may lead to scratching. Scratches present on the vagina and vulva may increase the chances of contracting HIV. The microscopic tears formed due to scratching can increase the risk of STDs to a certain degree.

A study done in this regard found that women suffering from HIV infection are more likely to have had yeast infections. Therefore, it has been suggested that women who are at a high risk of contracting STDs should prevent the development of vaginal yeast infection or to treat it as soon as possible.

Should women suffering from vaginal yeast infection avoid sex?
It is not necessary for a woman with vaginal yeast infection to avoid sex. However, it is advisable that the man having sex with such a woman should use barrier contraceptive. This is because:
15% of men having unprotected sex with a woman suffering from candidiasis may develop an uncomfortable rash on their penis. This is especially true for men who are not circumcised.
Small tears present on the vaginal or vulval walls may provide an easy entry for microbes that cause sexually transmitted diseases.
Candidiasis - Wikipedia

Causes of vaginal yeast infection
The fungus Candida is naturally found in the environs of the vagina. However, its growth is kept under checkVaginal Yeast Infection by a commensal bacterium called as lactobacilli. Whenever a condition arises where the lactobacilli are destroyed or cannot function optimally, the growth of Candida becomes unchecked. This leads to the symptoms of candidiasis.

The strand of Candida which is responsible for the majority of vaginal yeast infections is called as Candida albicans. However, if a woman is suffering from recurrent infections despite taking adequate treatment, other strands of Candida can be considered.

The optimal functioning of lactobacilli present in the vagina is seen in following conditions:
Taking antibiotics. This may kill the lactobacilli leaving Candida grow unchecked.
Pregnancy. Hormones released during pregnancy may affect the pH of the vagina leading to damage to the lactobacilli.
Uncontrolled diabetes. Too much of sugar provides a favorable environment for the rampant growth of Candida.
Weak immunity of the concerned woman.
Hormonal changes during menstruation.
Anxiety and stress.
Sleep deprivation.
Taking oral contraceptive pills.
Thyroid or other endocrinal problems.
Corticosteroid therapy.
I Think I Have a Yeast Infection: What Do I Do Next?

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection
The common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection include:
A thick white vaginal discharge with a consistency of cottage cheese.
Itchiness of vagina and vulva
Swelling of the vagina and vulva

Return of the Orc

 The Orcs Return!



 In the verdant realm of Eldoria, a peaceful village nestled in the heart of the Whispering Woods was facing an unprecedented peril. A fearsome dragon, drawn by the scent of magic, had descended upon the land, its fiery breath threatening to consume everything in its path.

The villagers, desperate for salvation, had lost all hope, for the knights of Eldoria had ventured on a quest far beyond the eastern mountains, and the mages were spent from their arcane endeavors. It was in this dire hour that an unlikely band of heroes emerged from the shadows of the forest—Orcs.

Long misunderstood and feared by the people of Eldoria, the Orcs were a formidable force, their strength unmatched, their courage unyielding. Led by Grotar, the chieftain with a heart as vast as the lands he roamed, the Orcs saw the plight of the village and decided to act.

With a thunderous battle cry, they charged into battle, their axes gleaming under the setting sun. The dragon, taken aback by the ferocity of these unexpected warriors, fought fiercely, but the Orcs were relentless. Grotar, wielding his ancestral axe imbued with the ancient magic of the Orcish shamans, struck true and felled the beast, its reign of terror ending in a burst of emerald flames.

The villagers, witnessing the bravery of the Orcs, realized the error of their prejudice. A celebration was held in honor of the Orcish heroes, feasts were shared, and songs were sung. From that day forth, the Orcs of Eldoria were no longer outcasts but revered protectors, their tale of valor passed down through generations.

And so, the story of the Orcs’ rescue became a beacon of unity, reminding all in Eldoria that sometimes, help comes from the most unexpected places.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Jada Jaxx: A Jedi Love story


A Love story

Jada Jaxx was a Jedi Knight, one of the few survivors of the Order 66 that wiped out most of her kind. She had been hiding on a remote planet, using her Force abilities to help the local people and avoid the Empire's attention. She had a simple and peaceful life, until one day, she met her.

She was a bounty hunter, hired by the Empire to track down and capture any remaining Jedi. He had a reputation for being ruthless, cunning, and efficient. She had a name, but she preferred to go by her code: Z-13. She had a mission, and she would not stop until she completed it.

She had tracked Jada to her planet, and waited for the right moment to strike. She ambushed her in the middle of the night, when she was returning from helping a sick child. He expected an easy capture, but she underestimated Jada's skills and determination. Jada fought back with her lightsaber and her Force powers, and she matched Jada with her blasters and his gadgets. They engaged in a fierce and intense duel, neither one willing to give up.

But as they fought, something unexpected happened. They felt a connection, a bond, that transcended their differences and their roles. They felt a spark, a flame, that ignited their passion and their desire. They felt a force, a power, that drew them closer and closer. They felt something they had never felt before: love.

They stopped fighting, and stared into each other's eyes. They dropped their weapons, and embraced each other. They kissed, and surrendered to their feelings. They forgot about their past, and their future. They forgot about their duty, and their destiny. They forgot about everything, except each other.

They spent the night together, in a blissful and twisted love affair. They knew it was wrong, they knew it was dangerous, but they didn't care. They only cared about being together, for as long as they could.

But they also knew that their love was doomed, that their time was limited. They knew that sooner or later, they would have to face the consequences of their actions. They knew that they would have to choose between their love, and their loyalty. They knew that they would have to fight, or flee. They knew that they would have to live, or die.

They knew that they would have to make a decision, but they didn't know what to do.

Friday, March 15, 2024

The Ebony Jedi's Background

 Return of the Ebony Jedi

Jada Jaxx’s tale is one of courage, determination, and the eternal struggle between light and dark. Her adventures continue, a beacon of hope for all who believe in the power of the Force

The Ebony Jedi’s visage. Imagine a face framed by the flickering flames, eyes resolute and piercing, lips set in determination. The flames dance around the Jedi, casting shadows and illuminating the contours of their features. Their skin, a rich hue, bears the weight of wisdom and battles fought. Perhaps a scar or two etches their history, a testament to resilience.

The Ebony Jedi’s gaze holds secrets—ancient knowledge passed down through generations, whispered in forgotten tongues. Her expression, a blend of serenity and ferocity, mirrors the balance they seek in the Force. The flames lick at their cheeks, yet they remain unyielding, undeterred.

And there, beneath the hood, lies the heart of a warrior—a soul aflame with purpose. The Ebony Jedi walks through infernos, guided by destiny, her face a mask of determination. For in this fiery crucible, she forges their legacy—a beacon of hope, a guardian of justice.

May the flames reveal their true essence, and may their face remain etched in the annals of the galaxy. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Stages of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Once you receive a diagnosis of breast cancer, your doctor will perform tests to determine the stage of your cancer.

Knowing the stage of your cancer is an important step in deciding how to treat it.
Your doctor may use the following tests and procedures to determine the stage of your breast cancer:

Lymph node biopsy (lymph node is removed to look for cancer cells)

Blood tests

Mammogram of the other breast

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Bone scan

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

The stages of breast cancer range from 0 to IV, and each stage from I to III has at least two sub-stages (IA, IB, etc.). The most advanced stage is IV.

The following are brief descriptions of each stage:

Stage 0: The cancer is noninvasive or contained within the milk ducts, lobules, or nipple.

Stage I: The cancer has formed a tumor two centimeters or smaller in size and has not spread outside the breast, except there may be small clusters of cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

Stage II: The cancer is growing but is still only in the breast or has spread to lymph nodes near the tumor, but not beyond.

Stage III: The cancer has spread beyond the tumor into lymph nodes and muscles. However, the cancer has not yet reached other organs.

Stage IV: Also called metastatic breast cancer, cancer in this stage has spread to other parts of the body, including the bones, lungs, liver, or brain.

Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

The Ebony Jedi

 In this cosmic tapestry, 

the Ebony Jedi stands resolute, their face hidden but their resolve unwavering. Legends converge, and destiny beckons. May the Force guide their steps, and may their story echo across the galaxy. 🌟🔥

The air shimmered with heat, the acrid tang of smoke thick on her tongue. Flames danced a macabre ballet across the ruins of the Jedi Temple, casting long, skeletal shadows that writhed in the inferno's breath. Amidst the fiery chaos, a figure emerged, cloaked in shadows and defiance. Her name was Jada Jaxx,, a Jedi Knight forged in the fires of resilience, her skin the rich ebony that mirrored the smoldering embers around her.

Jada Jaxx, wasn't unscathed. Her robes bore the singed kiss of the flames, wisps of smoke curling from the singed fabric. But her eyes, the color of molten gold, held an unwavering resolve. They were the embers of hope refusing to be extinguished, burning brighter in the face of despair.

The fire

wasn't just physical; it was a crucible of loss. The Temple, once a beacon of light, now lay in smoldering ruin. Friends, mentors, fellow Jedi - all consumed by the flames of betrayal. Grief threatened to engulf Jada Jaxx,, but she wouldn't let it. She channeled it into her Force connection, drawing strength from the living world, the verdant memory of forests untouched by fire.

With each step, the ground beneath her feet cooled, a testament to her power. The flames, sensing her defiance, lashed out, tongues of fire snapping at her heels. But Jada Jaxx, was a storm in human form, deflecting the fiery onslaught with a wave of her hand. The flames recoiled, cowering before the sheer power of her will.

Emerging from the inferno, Jada Jaxx, stood tall on the precipice of the ruined Temple. Below, the city of Coruscant sprawled, a tapestry of light and shadow. The sight fueled a new fire within her - the fire of purpose. The Jedi Order may have fallen, but its ideals, its fight for justice, lived on within her.

Jada Jaxx, wasn't just emerging from an inferno; she was a phoenix rising from the ashes. The flames had tested her, but they had not broken her. They had forged her anew, a Jedi Knight tempered by loss, her resolve hardened into tempered steel. The galaxy had been plunged into darkness, but Jada Jaxx,, the Ebony Jedi, would be a flicker of light, a beacon of hope in the encroaching shadows. Her journey had just begun, and the galaxy, scorched and scarred, would bear witness to the rise of a legend.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Ebony Jedi

 Return of the Ebony Jedi

Jada Jaxx’s tale is one of courage, determination, and the eternal struggle between light and dark. Her adventures continue, a beacon of hope for all who believe in the power of the Force

The Ebony Jedi’s visage. Imagine a face framed by the flickering flames, eyes resolute and piercing, lips set in determination. The flames dance around the Jedi, casting shadows and illuminating the contours of their features. Their skin, a rich hue, bears the weight of wisdom and battles fought. Perhaps a scar or two etches their history, a testament to resilience.

The Ebony Jedi’s gaze holds secrets—ancient knowledge passed down through generations, whispered in forgotten tongues. Their expression, a blend of serenity and ferocity, mirrors the balance they seek in the Force. The flames lick at their cheeks, yet they remain unyielding, undeterred.

And there, beneath the hood, lies the heart of a warrior—a soul aflame with purpose. The Ebony Jedi walks through infernos, guided by destiny, her face a mask of determination. For in this fiery crucible, they forge their legacy—a beacon of hope, a guardian of justice.

May the flames reveal her true essence, and may her face remain etched in the annals of the galaxy. 

The Aftermath of the Osirius Apocalypse

 The Osirius Apocalypse.  In the aftermath of the Osirius apocalypse, the once vibrant planet lay in ruins.  The skies, a tapestry of swirli...