Monday, April 3, 2023

Loving actions for Your.

Touch yourself in the morning

Loving actions for yourself are those actions that attend to your own needs. When you take loving action in your own behalf, you are letting yourself know that you matter, you are important, you count. When you fail to take loving action, you give yourself the message that you are not important, which leads to feelings of depression and inadequacy.

Loving actions for yourself might include:

* Eating nutritious foods, avoiding junk food and sugar, eating when hungry and stopping when full. * Getting enough exercise. * Keeping your work and home environments clean and organized. * Getting enough sleep. * Creating a balance between work and play. Making sure you have time to get your work done, as well as time to do nothing, reflect, learn, play and create. * Creating a good support system of people who love and care about you. * Being organized with your time, getting places on time, paying bills on time, and so on. * Choosing to be compassionate with yourself rather than judgmental toward yourself. * Creating a balance between time for yourself and time with others. * Making sure you are physically safe by wearing a seat belt in a car, a helmet on a motorcycle, scooter, or bike, goggles when necessary, and so on.

Overconsumption of ultra-processed food has been linked to all kinds of health issues: colorectal and breast cancer, obesity, depression, and all-cause mortality. Figuring out how our diets influence our health is extremely difficult, and any armchair statistician will tell you that correlation does not equal causation, but it does seem clear that consuming too much ultra-processed food isn’t good for us.

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