Saturday, April 29, 2023

Loved By A T-girl


I’m barely able to catch my breath when Sandi says, “now it’s my turn.” 

She pulls me toward her while I lay on my back. I drape my legs over her shoulders and I can feel the pressure of the head of her cock pushing against my tight ass. “You’re so tight, this won’t take long,” she groans as she pushes herself all the way into my butt hole. 

Sandi’s cock glide in and out of my ass I tighten my sphincter. Tightly I squeeze her tool and the bigger I can feel it grow. Sandi is banging me like there’s no tomorrow. Her breaths are getting shorter and her moans louder and I can tell she’s on the verge.

“Oh god, baby, I can’t hold it much longer, I’m gonna cum.” Brandi barely finishes her sentence when she pulls out and climbs up to my head so I can lick her ass. 

Sandi furiously strokes her cock as I tongue her tight little cornhole. I manage to slip my tongue inside of her. The inside of her colon tastes amazing. The mustiness tastes even better than it smells and I try to gobble up whatever I can find in there. “Oh fuck, here it comes.” 

Just as her throbbing cock starts pulsating and spitting cum I push my tongue deep into her butt. I can feel the clenching of her sphincter against my tongue each time Sandi spurts. On the second or third spurt she lets loose a small fart directly into my mouth. Sandi’s cum sprays all over my couch.
I love you Sandi.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Dementia, alzheimer's: Exercise to Improve Your Brain Health

Exercise to Improve Your Brain Health

Using Exercise to Improve Your Mental Health

Many of the same health problems that lead to heart disease – high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes – also increase the risk of cognitive decline. All of these conditions decrease blood flow to the brain, and they put you in danger of having a stroke, another major risk factor for cognitive decline.

Using Exercise to Improve Your Mental Health

Yet all of them may be helped to some extent by exercise. Still, the advantages of exercise don't stop there. Here are a few more ways in which exercise can sharpen your brain power.
It spurs brain growth.

As we get older, the birth of new brain cells slows, and our brain tissue actually shrinks. Exercise may be able to reverse that trend. One brain-scanning study of 59 healthy but sedentary people aged 60 to 79 showed significant increases in brain volume after six months of aerobic fitness training, whereas no such changes occurred among controls who did only stretching and toning exercises. The researchers concluded that the improved cardiovascular fitness that comes with aerobic exercise is associated with fewer age-related changes in the brains of older people.
It increases your sensitivity to insulin.

When you eat, your body turns most of the food into glucose, or blood sugar, the main source of fuel for your body, including your brain. In order for that glucose to enter cells, it must be accompanied by the hormone insulin. Unfortunately, in some people, cells become resistant to insulin. The body has to pump out more and more of it, and still blood sugar levels rise, often resulting in Type 2 diabetes. Even if you don't develop diabetes, insulin resistance is bad for your brain. When brain cells are flooded by glucose, it can adversely affect memory and thinking.

Regular exercise can actually reverse insulin resistance. In fact, your insulin sensitivity increases – estabilising your blood sugar after you eat – for at least 16 hours after a single exercise session. The better your blood-sugar control, the more protected you are against age-related cognitive decline.
It boosts brain-building hormones.

Much like plant food makes plants grow faster and lusher, the chemical known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, stimulates the growth and proliferation of brain cells. This is especially true in the hippocampus, a region of the brain that is largely responsible for memory and which is particularly vulnerable to age-related cognitive decline. The more you exercise, the more BDNF you produce.
It fights depression and anxiety.

Depression slows the brain's ability to process information, makes it more difficult for us to concentrate and reach decisions, and causes real memory problems. For serious depression, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants. For milder cases, however, exercise has been shown to work wonders. It cranks up the body's production of serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters crucial to upbeat, motivated moods. And it boosts levels of the feel-good chemicals called endorphins.
It reduces the effects of stress.

If some hormones make the brain younger, others age the brain. These include the so-called stress hormone cortisol. Slow, scattered thinking and forgetfulness are caused by stress more often than we may realise. Exercise lowers cortisol levels, helping you to think straight again. It is also believed to generate new nerve cells in the part of the brain called the dentate gyrus, an area of the hippocampus linked to the creation of new memories. Brain cells here are seriously depleted during times of stress.
It improves your brain's ‘executive function.’

Executive function isn't reserved just for company directors; everyone uses it every day. Essentially, it's the cognitive abilities that enable us to act like grown-ups, including the ability to focus on complex tasks, to organise, to choose behaviour that's appropriate to a given situation, to think abstractly, to meet deadlines and to plan for future events. It also encompasses working memory, such as the ability to keep a phone number in your head while you dial.

When researchers set out to analyze the effects of exercise on executive function, they looked at 18 well-designed studies and found that, in men and women aged 55 to 80, those who did regular exercise (particularly a combination of cardio and strength training) performed four times better on cognitive tests than the studies' control groups, who didn't exercise regularly. They improved their individual scores by a solid 50 per cent regardless of the type of cognitive task. The effects were greatest among those who had exercised for 30 to 45 minutes each session for longer than six months, but substantial benefits were apparent after only four weeks of exercise.

Overconsumption of ultra-processed food has been linked to all kinds of health issues: colorectal and breast cancer, obesity, depression, and all-cause mortality. Figuring out how our diets influence our health is extremely difficult, and any armchair statistician will tell you that correlation does not equal causation, but it does seem clear that consuming too much ultra-processed food isn’t good for us.
#Dementia, #alzheimer's: Exercise to Improve Your #Brain Health

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Females: Secrets to Becoming a Sexy Woman

Want to know the secret to becoming a sexy woman?

Here’s what it’s NOT:

Wearing super short skirts and stripper heels
Putting on huge breast forms
Pouting your lips and sticking your butt out
True sexiness is a state of mind!

There are lots of small things you can do to boost your feminine sex appeal – without crossing the line from sexy to slutty.

Here are 4 must-try tips:

1. Wear red

Color is a huge part of the impression you make on people. Each color has a meaning that is communicated on a subconscious level.

Without a doubt, RED is the sexiest color of all!

Red is associated with passion, desire, and love – so wear red to increase your feminine sex appeal. Even a few touches of red (like a red bag or heels) will put you in touch with your sensuous side.

2. Try a sexy workout

A fit, toned body is undeniably sexy. But that doesn’t mean you need to spend hours on a boring treadmill.

Instead, why not try a “sexy workout?”

Belly dancing, pole dancing, or cardio striptease will help you burn calories while channeling your inner seductress. These workouts will also help you achieve more feminine and fluid body movements.

Here are some sexy workouts to try:

Luscious: The Bellydance Workout for Beginners
Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease
Pussycat Dolls Workout
3. Wear sexy lingerie

It’s hard NOT to feel sexy in a pretty bra and panties.

Even if you don’t plan to show off your underwear, wearing sexy lingerie under your clothes will make you feel more seductive and confident.

You should also get rid of any lingerie that doesn’t add to your sex appeal. This includes anything that’s worn out or that doesn’t fit properly. If it doesn’t make you feel hot, don’t keep it!

4. Make seductive eye contact

The way you make eye contact communicates your level of confidence, femininity, and sex appeal.

It’s important to make eye contact, but at the same time, you don’t want to overdo it.

Here are 3 seductive eye contact skills to practice:

Look people in the eye, but break contact every 5 seconds or so. Staring too intensely can creep people out.
Try the triangle technique. When you are listening to somebody, look at one eye for 5 seconds, then the other eye for 5 seconds, and finally the mouth for 5 seconds. Continue rotating your gaze in this pattern.

Look from the side. To appear more flirtatious, try a sideways glance instead of looking at somebody straight on. Do this while smiling and raising the eyebrows slightly.
What makes YOU look and feel your sexiest?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this hot topic, so be sure to leave a comment below!

Shawn, "Molder of Champions"

Overconsumption of ultra-processed food has been linked to all kinds of health issues: colorectal and breast cancer, obesity, depression, and all-cause mortality. Figuring out how our diets influence our health is extremely difficult, and any armchair statistician will tell you that correlation does not equal causation, but it does seem clear that consuming too much ultra-processed food isn’t good for us.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Loving actions for Your.

Touch yourself in the morning

Loving actions for yourself are those actions that attend to your own needs. When you take loving action in your own behalf, you are letting yourself know that you matter, you are important, you count. When you fail to take loving action, you give yourself the message that you are not important, which leads to feelings of depression and inadequacy.

Loving actions for yourself might include:

* Eating nutritious foods, avoiding junk food and sugar, eating when hungry and stopping when full. * Getting enough exercise. * Keeping your work and home environments clean and organized. * Getting enough sleep. * Creating a balance between work and play. Making sure you have time to get your work done, as well as time to do nothing, reflect, learn, play and create. * Creating a good support system of people who love and care about you. * Being organized with your time, getting places on time, paying bills on time, and so on. * Choosing to be compassionate with yourself rather than judgmental toward yourself. * Creating a balance between time for yourself and time with others. * Making sure you are physically safe by wearing a seat belt in a car, a helmet on a motorcycle, scooter, or bike, goggles when necessary, and so on.

Overconsumption of ultra-processed food has been linked to all kinds of health issues: colorectal and breast cancer, obesity, depression, and all-cause mortality. Figuring out how our diets influence our health is extremely difficult, and any armchair statistician will tell you that correlation does not equal causation, but it does seem clear that consuming too much ultra-processed food isn’t good for us.

The Aftermath of the Osirius Apocalypse

 The Osirius Apocalypse.  In the aftermath of the Osirius apocalypse, the once vibrant planet lay in ruins.  The skies, a tapestry of swirli...