Saturday, February 25, 2023

Breast Cancer Symptoms


A new lump or mass is the most common sign of breast cancer.

Since mammograms for screening have become more common, the number of breast cancer cases discovered before symptoms occur has increased.

However, in some instances, the cancer can be missed on a mammogram, either due to error or to the fact that about 15 percent of breast cancers aren't visible on a mammogram (known as "mammographically occult cancer").

And many women, for a number of reasons, don't get mammograms as recommended.


Though most cases of breast cancer have no symptoms until they're discovered on a mammogram, the most common symptom of breast cancer is a new lump or mass.

Masses that are more likely to be cancerous are painless, hard, and immobile with irregular edges.

While the following signs and symptoms can be caused by conditions other than breast cancer, you should contact your doctor if you experience any of them:

Changes in the size or shape of the breast

A lump or thickening in or near the breast, or in the underarm area

Swelling of all or part of a breast (even if no lump is felt)

Skin irritation on or around the breast

Puckering in the skin of the breast, or dimpling that looks like the skin of an orange (called "peau d'orange")

Breast or nipple pain

Nipple that is turning inward

Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple, areola (dark area of skin around the nipple), or breast skin

Nipple discharge that is not milk

Some breast cancers spread to lymph nodes under the arm or around the collarbone and cause a lump or swelling in those areas before a tumor in the breast tissue is large enough to be felt.

If you experience swollen lymph nodes, call your doctor right away.

Overconsumption of ultra-processed food has been linked to all kinds of health issues: colorectal and breast cancer, obesity, depression, and all-cause mortality. Figuring out how our diets influence our health is extremely difficult, and any armchair statistician will tell you that correlation does not equal causation, but it does seem clear that consuming too much ultra-processed food isn’t good for us.
Shut the door on the face of the diabetes, even if it pleads that it is only gestation. This evil does not deserve mercy.

Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

Wednesday, February 22, 2023



I want to thank everyone for their generous donations.
I will be donating this money to a local hospitable.
This blog has information that can help you in the present, not some far away future.
The exercise and diet can be easily incorporated into to your daily routine, without disruption.
Today I will discuss: What is Ginger and How is it Used?

Ginger is a rhizome, and is akin to a carrot with multiple stems. It is remarkably simple to use. It is available as a powder which can add instant flavor to favorite dishes such as soups and chili. In addition, fresh ginger is available here to be used sliced or grated and cooked.
Healthy Eating Tips: How to Add Ginger to Your Day
Ginger is adding international style and flair to dishes in fashionable restaurants, so why not bring some of that great flavor home to your kitchen? After these tips, please see below for a recipe featuring ginger.
Ginger is used often in Chinese cuisine, where it gives dishes a touch of spiciness. In the U.S., ginger is widely available as a powdered spice, and this makes a handy pantry item. Fresh ginger provides even more flavor and aroma and can be found right in your supermarket. Look for fresh ginger that is firm to the touch and not wilted, dried out or moldy. Choose fresh ginger that is organically grown in the U.S.

To use fresh ginger, remove the dark peel and cut a section of the light colored root. Finely chop the ginger and it is ready to use in recipes for cooked dishes.

Making Fresh Ginger Tea
Fresh ginger tea can be made by adding finely chopped ginger to boiled water, letting it steep for 2-3 minutes, and then straining out the ginger.
Learn about many more herbs here: Herb Guide
And don't forget about including anti-inflammatory foods like ginger in your routine. Here is a recipe featuring ginger from my book, The Fat Resistance Diet, an anti-inflammatory program.
Vegetarian Curry
Here is a family style recipe that uses several powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients, and features cruciferous veggies and antioxidant-rich beans.

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
4 teaspoons ginger, minced
1 cup crushed tomatoes
3 cups water
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon cardamom
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
8 cups cauliflower florets
2 cups cooked kidney or garbanzo beans
1 cup peas
1/2 cup parsley, chopped

1. In a large heavy-bottomed pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat and add onion, garlic and ginger. Sauté for about 5 minutes on medium. Add crushed tomatoes, water, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, salt and black pepper, stirring to mix.
2. Add the cauliflower, beans and peas, stirring to coat with sauce. Cover pot and simmer for 7-8 minutes, until cauliflower is fork tender. Add parsley, stirring to combine, and then serve over rice, quinoa, or millet. Serves 4.
I hope you enjoy the healthy pleasure of ginger this wintertime.
PS don't forget to hit the donation button :).

Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

Sunday, February 19, 2023



Every woman wants smooth, soft skin, but not every woman knows how to get it easily. Silky smooth skin has a luxurious feel to it, and is extremely sensual and sexy. No wonder we all want it so bad! We want it because of how it makes us feel, and our partners want it because of how it feels to them.

Most Spas provide some sort of skin softening service where they can drench your skin in some form of moisture rich emollients. I recently got to learn one of the coolest skin softening treatments, where your skin is wrapped in chocolate! Can you imagine! What woman wouldn't want to be wrapped head to toe in chocolate?

If you didn't know, chocolate is a fat, and not to break the mood, but how the treatment is prepared, is they heat the fat and oil produced from chocolate, and mix it into another skin lotion base. Thus you have both the chocolate and the lotion working together.

Now I know we all can't rush out and get the amount of chocolate you need to do this at home. That would be way too expensive and impractical. Plus you couldn't rub it all over yourself and get every inch like they do at the spa. So what can you do to have the same silky soft skin without the expense? Here is all you need.

All you need to do is do what you do every day, just add one small ingredient to it. First, take a warm to hot shower, the hotter the better. Why? The heat from the shower not only relaxes your body, and soothes your muscles, but opens the pores of your skin all over your body.

Now shower as you normally would, but at the end, take a wash cloth and soak it with baby oil. With the baby oil drenched wash cloth, step out of the water enough to rub the wash cloth all over your body without being hit by the water spray. Once you have rubbed the baby oil all over your body, let the shower water drench your body for an extra minute, then get out of the shower.

If time permits, don't towel try, but air dry instead. What you will find is the moisture from the baby oil is literally sucked up by your skin like a sponge, leaving you with softer, smoother skin! Give it a try after a long hard day, and I'm sure it will become one of your favorite bath time rituals.

Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Diabetes Type 2

 How Does Insulin Work?

In a healthy person, insulin helps turn food into energy. Your stomach breaks down carbohydrates into sugars. They enter the bloodstream, prompting your pancreas to release the hormone insulin in just the right amount. It helps your cells use the sugar for fuel.

Metabolism Mishaps

In type 2 diabetes, your cells can’t use sugar properly. That means there's a lot of it in your blood. If you have a condition called insulin resistance, your body makes the hormone, but your cells don’t use it or respond to it like they should. If you’ve had type 2 diabetes for a while but haven’t treated it, your pancreas will make less insulin.

You can control blood sugar levels by changing your diet and losing extra weight. That will also cut your risk of complications. Carefully track the carbs in your diet. Keep amounts the same at every meal, watch how much fat and protein you eat, and cut calories. Ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian to help you make healthy choices and an eating plan.

Your Diet Makes a Difference

Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Diabetes: What I Recommend For Strength

To reverse and/or contain diabetes.
I recommend the following activities.
Shawn Jackson: Health Molder

Two types of physical activity are most important for managing diabetes: aerobic exercise and strength training.
Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise helps your body use insulin better. It makes your heart and bones strong, relieves stress, improves blood circulation, and reduces your risk for heart disease by lowering blood glucose and blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels.

We Recommend: Aiming for 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week or a total of 150 minutes per week. Spread your activity out over at least 3 days during the week and try not to go more than 2 days in a row without exercising.

Note: Moderate intensity means that you are working hard enough that you can talk, but not sing, during the activity. Vigorous intensity means you cannot say more than a few words without pausing for a breath during the activity.

Get Started
If you haven't been very active recently, you can start out with 5 or 10 minutes a day. Then, increase your activity sessions by a few minutes each week. Over time, you'll see your fitness improve, and you'll find that you're able to do more.

If you are just starting out, you may want to check out our starting walking plan.
Find the Time

If your busy schedule doesn't allow you to exercise for a 30-minute period during the day, you have the option to break it up into bouts of 10 minutes or more. Research has shown that the health benefits are similar when you do this!

For example, you might take a brisk 10-minute walk after each meal. Or you could try doing 15 minutes of aerobics in the morning before work and another 15 minutes when you get home.

If you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, most people need to do closer to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day.

Below are some examples of aerobic activities:

Brisk walking (outside or inside on a treadmill)
Bicycling/Stationary cycling indoors
Low-impact aerobics
Swimming or water aerobics
Playing tennis
Stair climbing
Ice-skating or roller-skating
Cross-country skiing
Moderate-to-heavy gardening

Strength Training

Strength training (also called resistance training) makes your body more sensitive to insulin and can lower blood glucose. It helps to maintain and build strong muscles and bones, reducing your risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures.

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn – even when your body is at rest.

Preventing muscle loss by strength training is also the key to maintaining an independent lifestyle as you age.

We Recommend: doing some type of strength training at least 2 times per week in addition to aerobic activity.

Below are examples of strength training activities:

Weight machines or free weights at the gym
Using resistance bands
Lifting light weights or objects like canned goods or water bottles at home
Calisthenics or exercises that use your own body weight to work your muscles (examples are pushups, sit ups, squats, lunges, wall-sits and planks)
Classes that involve strength training
Other activities that build and keep muscle like heavy gardening

There are other types of activity that you can add to your fitness routine. Learn more about activity throughout the day, stretching and balance exercises.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Blood sugar regulation

 Blood sugar regulation 

The pancreas releases insulin and glucagon (shown here in purple and green) to control blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar levels are a measure of how effectively an individual's body uses glucose. 

illustration of the pancreas releasing insulin and glucagon

When the body does not convert enough glucose for use, blood sugar levels remain high. Insulin helps the body's cells absorb glucose, lowering blood sugar and providing the cells with the glucose they need for energy.

When blood sugar levels are too low, the pancreas releases glucagon. Glucagon forces the liver to release stored glucose, which causes the blood sugar to rise.

Insulin and glucagon are both released by islet cells in the pancreas. These cells are clustered throughout the pancreas. Beta islet cells (B cells) release insulin, and alpha islet cells (A cells) release glucagon.

How insulin works

The body converts energy from carbohydrates into glucose. The body's cells need glucose for energy, but most cells cannot directly use glucose.

Insulin acts like a key to allow glucose to access the cells. It attaches to insulin receptors on cells throughout the body, telling those cells to open up and allow glucose to enter.

Low levels of insulin are constantly circulating throughout the body. When insulin rises, this signals to the liver that blood glucose is also high. The liver absorbs glucose, then changes it to a storage molecule called glycogen.

When blood sugar levels drop, glucagon signals the liver to convert the glycogen back to glucose. This makes blood sugar levels go up.

Insulin also supports healing after an injury by delivering amino acids to the muscles. Amino acids help build the protein found in muscle tissue, so when insulin levels are low, muscles may not heal properly.

How glucagon works

The liver must store glucose to power the cells during times of low blood sugar. Skipping meals and poor nutrition can lower blood sugar. By storing glucose, the liver makes sure blood glucose levels stay steady between meals or during sleep.

When blood glucose falls, cells in the pancreas secrete glucagon. Glucagon instructs the liver to convert glycogen to glucose. This makes glucose more available in the bloodstream. From there, insulin attaches to insulin receptors on cells to make sure they can absorb glucose.

Insulin and glucagon work in a cycle. Glucagon interacts with the liver to raise blood sugar, while insulin lowers blood sugar by helping the cells to use glucose.

#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabeteswarrior #diabeteslife #diabetesjourney #diabetesdaily #diabetic #sexual #verbal #physical

Friday, February 3, 2023

FAQs about Candida Yeast Infections

This nuisance is not very well understood by the majority of the population, including those within the medical community. When I start to talk about Candida overgrowth and Candida yeast infections with my patients, I’m often met with a litany of questions. The following are some of the most common, along with their answers.

1. What exactly is Candida?
Candida, or Candida albicans, is a yeast/fungal organism that lives naturally within the human body. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman, man, or child. The Candida organism’s levels of existence are kept in check by the good bacteria in your body.

2. Aren’t Candida yeast infections only a female problem?
That’s a common misconception. While the vaginal Candida yeast infection is very common in women, that’s not the only form of yeast infection out there. Other very common forms of Candida yeast infections include athlete’s foot, ringworm, oral thrush, jock itch, and other fungal skin irritations.

3.  Why do antibiotics cause Candida infections?
Antibiotics attack bacteria in the body, but they don’t know the difference between the good flora and the bad. They end up destroying all of the bacteria in your intestines, and then there is not enough good bacteria to keep the Candida organism under control. When this happens, Candida yeast infections develop.

4. How long will it take for the Candida yeast infection to go away?
It depends on the type you end up with. If you rarely take antibiotics, you’ll likely be able to use OTC medications to treat whatever variety of yeast infection you end up with. That could take up to a week, depending on what you’re dealing with. If you take antibiotics regularly, you are constantly beating down your immune system while allowing the levels of Candida in your body to rise. This may lead to a chronic Candida yeast infection and the treatments are much different.

5. What are the symptoms of a chronic Candida overgrowth?
Unfortunately, the signs and symptoms of a chronic Candida yeast condition are often hard to detect. Some people simply have recurring and worsening symptoms of the more identifiable infections – like oral or vaginal thrush. Problems occur when the Candida overgrowth has had a great deal of time to impact the body. People begin to experience symptoms that mimic other conditions. These include but aren’t limited to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, urinary tract infections (UTI), trouble concentrating, heart palpitations, diarrhea, constipation, and so much more. Children may even appear to have ADD or ADHD. You can see a more extensive list here.

6. Why are Candida yeast infections so often misdiagnosed?
There are two reasons, really. The first, like I noted above, is that the symptoms mimic other conditions. Ultimately, your doctor will continue to diagnose you incorrectly and prescribe medications, like antibiotics or steroids, that will make the condition worse. The second reason is that the mainstream medical community still balks at the idea that Candida can impact the body the way I’ve described. It’s ultimately up to you to find an open-minded doctor or naturopath who is willing to look at your whole body and medical history and not just your acute symptoms.

7. How can I tell if I have a Candida problem?
There are several great tests you can use to diagnose yourself initially. The itch test forces you to track how often you touch yourself to itch or scratch daily, making you aware of a potential problem. The craving tests deals with your ability to stay away from sugars and carbs. The spit test, which I love, asks you to spit into a clean glass of water in the morning. If your spit is cloudy and forms tendrils, suspends in the water in specks, or sinks, you may have a problem. There are also blood, urine, and stool sample tests that can be done as well, but you’ll need to see a doctor for those labs.

8. Is Candida overgrowth deadly?
Yes and no. The short answer is no. Candida, for most people, can cause a lot of medical complications until it is treated, but acute and chronic forms of Candidiasis aren’t deadly. There is a Candida infection, known as Candidemia, which occurs when the Candida organism enters the bloodstream. This type can be deadly if not caught and treated. It usually occurs in those with severely compromised immune systems – like cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy or those who have HIV/AIDS.

9.  Can I completely eliminate Candida from my body?
No, and you actually don’t want to. Remember, Candida lives naturally within your body. Your goal is to bring the level of Candida in your body back down to normal and then work to avoid doing things that will cause it to rise and take over again.

10.  Did my mercury fillings cause my Candida infection?
Mercury is a toxin and the CDC clearly mandates that no level of mercury consumption is acceptable. Those “silver” fillings you have are made with mercury. The ADA claims that the mercury from the fillings can’t enter your body, but other research indicates that it does leach into your bloodstream. Mercury doesn’t directly cause Candida overgrowth, but it can cause damage to your thyroid and your adrenal glands, thus causing immune dysfunction and, ultimately, Candida.

11. What type of diet do I need to follow to cure my Candida overgrowth?
There are tons of variations on the Candida diet out there, and my own is the Candida Crusher. I’m not saying that any are right or wrong; but some are more complex than others. It’s important to realize that  anyone promising a quick fix is likely offering you a hope and not a real cure. Curing a Candida yeast infection takes time and patience. You’ll have to follow a strict and healthy diet, modify your lifestyle, and take antifungals and probiotics. You may also need to take some additional herbal supplements to detoxify your body or strengthen your immune system. (Note from Lauren: I shared the dietary principles I’m using to treat my candida overgrowth here.)

12.  Can I use OTC antifungals to cure my Candida yeast infection?
Yes, you can. If you have an acute yeast infection, like a vaginal infection or athlete’s foot, you can find over the counter creams and powders that are often helpful (Note from Lauren: I recommend using anti-fungal essential oils diluted in a carrier oil for toenail fungus or athlete’s foot). They may be the only treatment you need. If you have a Candida overgrowth that is affecting you chronically, you’ll probably need to combine your medications with a total Candida diet plan.

13. Do I need to take oral antifungals to cure my Candida yeast overgrowth?
It depends on the severity of your symptoms, but some sort of oral antifungal should be incorporated in to your plan. The question will be whether or not you end up with a natural supplement that acts with antifungal properties or whether you have such a bad infection you need a chemical antifungal. We’d like to get you away from chemical medications during this process, but if you have a really bad infection, like leaky gut syndrome, you may need to take more drastic measures.

14. Why are probiotics so important to my Candida treatment plan?
I mentioned before that the good bacteria in your intestines helps to keep the bad bacteria and the Candida yeast organism under control. If you were on antibiotics, both the good and bad bacteria were destroyed. Probiotic supplements can help to speed up the repopulation of the good bacteria in your intestines, helping you to bring and keep your Candida problem under control.

15. Why can’t I have alcohol with Candida overgrowth?
Alcohol is a tough one for a lot of patients and I’m going to be upfront right now – you absolutely must give up alcohol in order to treat your Candida overgrowth. Alcohol contains fermented yeast and sugars – both ingredients that will fuel and feed the Candida already living in your body.

16. Can I treat my vaginal Candida yeast infection with yogurt?
Eating yogurt is a great way to get more probiotics into your diet naturally. Yogurt has a chemical called lactic acid that helps to convert lactose (which is sugary) into lactic acid, which Candida hates. A lot of women will not only eat yogurt, but use it as a douche as well. This is the only case in which I justify the use of any sort of “douche” to treat the female vaginal infection – yogurt only. The yogurt douche won’t work if you use anything other than high-quality, organic, plain yogurt – left out until it reaches room temperature.

17. What lifestyle changes do I need to make to cure my Candida yeast infection?
You need to get your stress levels under control. When you are stressed, your body creates a chemical called cortisol. Cortisol causes belly fat and it suppresses your immune system. When your immune system is depleted, it is easier for the Candida albicans organism to grow and thrive. Learn to mediate, try to exercise more, and create a healthier living environment overall.

18. What is Candida die-off?
When the Candida organisms begin to die, you may experience something known as “die-off.” When Candida yeast dies off at a fast rate, you can experience some side effects as the toxins from the dead organisms enter your body. Many people mistakenly believe their condition is getting worse when it is actually getting better. You’ll want to talk to a naturopath about some additional supplements you can take to deal with the die-off symptoms. These might include caprylic acid, colloidal silver, or Pau d’arco tea.

19. What foods are allowed while I’m on the Candida diet?
In the beginning, your diet will be very limited. As you progress, you’ll slowly add foods back to your diet so that you can determine which ones are causing your Candida overgrowth symptoms – foods you may need to consciously avoid forever. In general, though, you’ll be allowed to eat a wide variety of vegetables (avoiding starchy veggies), live yogurt cultures, fresh meats, select nuts and seeds, grains that do not contain gluten, and a wide variety of herbs and spices which are not only healthy but will help you adjust to your new diet. Certain oils, like coconut oil, are great as well.

20. What others factors are contributing to my illness?
We talk a lot about antibiotics, but they’re not the only culprit. Other immune suppressing drugs, like cortisone and prednisone, or birth control pills can have an impact on your flora as well. The truth is that it isn’t just medications you have to worry about, either. The animals we eat are pumped full of antibiotics and we’re getting additional dosages through their meat – another great reason to eat organic if you can. You’ll want to stay away from preservatives, chemicals, pollutants, insecticides, and even mold spores (especially if you live in an environment that is always damp).

The COVID "emergency" hasn't even been formally lifted yet, even though no pandemic ever, in the history of pandemics, has ever lasted three years.

We're so far outside the limits of emergency at this point, the fact that emergency powers have not been rescinded is a sure sign they have no intention of ever lifting them — unless they're prepared to roll out another "emergency" shortly thereafter, such as another pandemic.

Good day all.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Stress free: Relaxation, Peace


Relaxation, Peace

Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emotions and minds.

Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day, the best thing to do is relax.

Watching television may be a form of relaxation for some, but is not a recommended method by experts. When we watch TV we are bombarded with commercials, ads, sounds and images. So how do we achieve relaxation? If there are thousands of ways we can get stressed, one of them is not meeting deadlines, there are also many ways we can relax.

In recent studies, experts have determined that heart disease is linked to anger and irritability is linked to mental stress. Too much stress brings about ischemia that can lead to or cause a heart attack. Relaxation takes on added importance in light of this matter. Managing your anger and attitude is significant to heart health, and relaxation can help you manage stress. 

The COVID "emergency" hasn't even been formally lifted yet, even though no pandemic ever, in the history of pandemics, has ever lasted three years.

We're so far outside the limits of emergency at this point, the fact that emergency powers have not been rescinded is a sure sign they have no intention of ever lifting them — unless they're prepared to roll out another "emergency" shortly thereafter, such as another pandemic.

Good day all.

#Stress free: #Relaxation, #peace

The Aftermath of the Osirius Apocalypse

 The Osirius Apocalypse.  In the aftermath of the Osirius apocalypse, the once vibrant planet lay in ruins.  The skies, a tapestry of swirli...