Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Anti -Aging: Health, Longevity and Wellness

Anti -Aging: Health, longevity and Wellness

It’s possible that the following writing will not cover all you hope to learn as regards a specific aspect of “Anti Aging”, but it will make you far more informed about “Anti Aging” in general. Thus, it doesn’t really matter what your keyphrase is in relation to “Anti Aging”, whether it is “Aging Anti Beauty Product”, “Anti Aging Organic” or “Skin Products”, read this writing and you will be delighted with what you’ll see therein.

It is interesting to note how excited about growing up you are when you are young. Then all of a sudden, all that begins to change when you notice you are growing old. 

Everyone hates old age, no doubts about it, especially because of the wrinkles associated with age. But don’t despair because there are many solutions out there that can help you manage the aging process and the wrinkles that come with it. Funny how the people who really want to look young even when they’re old are the same ones who are too lazy to do anything about it. Funny also how they happen to be the ones with the funds to see such a thing through. So they pay doctors and scientists for research into things that can make them live longer, if not forever. And hey the results that come out each and everyday show that science is making more progress into anti aging than was the case many years ago.

However hard you try, you are bound to grow older. It’s the one thing, as they say, that goes up and never comes down. But with anti aging, you could slow the process, or you could make it look as though it wasn’t even happening.

The remaining part of this piece has to add up the missing pieces about “Anti Aging” if the first part of this writing hasn’t. No doubts about it your “Eureka” moments are obviously ahead… as you keep on reading.

As you grow older, you must learn better how to manage stress pattern in your body. If you fail at this, then there is no amount of cosmetic surgery that can save you from looking old. The worry lines will always show through no matter what you do. You will find all kinds of nutrition and physical fitness products in a convenience store that will help you with anti aging.

Also some skin care lotions, hormone replacements, and vitamins are known to be helpful. You can top them off with various supplements and herbs. Some physicians recommend them for life extension programs.

It is no surprise that Egyptians are among the first to show interest in life extension. Research shows that of the knowledge they had in the past, much was used to research into means of making life longer and finer. And when this failed, they at least contemplated carrying it over to the afterlife. 

 #Health, #Longevity #Wellness #wellbeing

Sunday, January 29, 2023

What is Whey Protein, diabetics?


What is Whey Protein, diabetics?

4 Important Facts You Should Know About Whey Protein

Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects? 

If you are interested in better health and improved physical 
fitness you have surely heard that bodybuilders and other 
athletes are turning to a simple, natural supplement called whey protein. 


Protein levels are depleted through exercise. Muscles require amino acids to prevent deterioration, give endurance and build mass. Proteins supply these amino acids to the muscles which is why athletes use whey protein. 


Commercial whey protein comes from cow's milk. Whey is the by-product of making cheese and was usually thrown away as a waste product. Now researchers know that whey protein is high quality, natural protein that is rich with amino acids essential for good health and muscle building. It is naturally found in mother's milk and also used in baby formula. It is being considered for use as a fortifier of grain products because of its considerable health benefits and bland flavor. 

Although protein is also found in other foods such as meat, soy and vegetables, whey protein is proven to have the highest absorption (digestion) levels in comparison to all others. 


Whey protein has many health benefits including immune support, bone health, sports health, weight management and overall well being. 

Because amino acids are 'building blocks' for the human body it is sometimes used by patients to speed up the healing of wounds or burns. 

The high quality protein that comes from whey makes it a 
recommended choice for those who need optimal benefits from restricted diets including diabetics, those on weight management diets and even ill patients not able to consume enough protein in their diet to assist with healing. 


Whey protein is a food and so it does not have have the risks associated with other supplements. That said, too much of anything carries risks. Extremely high use of whey protein can overload the liver which can cause serious problems. Moderation is always recommended. 

If you are lactose intolerant you might try whey protein isolate which has less than 1% lactose and should be tolerable for most users. 

Whey protein is a natural and healthy way to bring protein into your diet and increase well being. 

#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabeteswarrior #diabeteslife #diabetesjourney #diabetesdaily #diabetic

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Diabetic: The Diabetes Epidemic

"All you need is a proper diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and get plenty of exercise and you'll be fine.” 

Ever heard those words from your doctor? 

If that's all he/she recommends then you're missing out an important ingredient for health that he's not telling you.

Fact is that you can adhere to the strictest diet, watch everything you eat and get the exercise of a marathon runner and still come down with diabetic complications. Diet, exercise and standard drug treatments simply aren't enough to help keep your diabetes under control. 

Diet and exercise are the two words given out by established medicine and the media as the only cure-all; repeated endlessly like a holy mantra. 

The word “fresh” is glossed over and likely you miss that word too. The simple truth is that what you buy from your supermarket shelves and bring home is not fresh. Those veggies look good on the outside, but they lack essential nutrient that everyone needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, most especially those with diabetes. Without those nutrients, you are a prime target for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease and arthritis. 

Those veggies on your store shelves come from farms whose soil has been depleted of vitamins, minerals and the antioxidants your body needs to maintain health. Today you'd have to chow down 17 bowls of spinach to get the same amount of nutrition that one bowl would have supplied 100 years ago. And along with this severe depletion come the herbicides, pesticides, additives and other treatments to those fruits and vegetables fresh and looking good before they get to your kitchen table. If that wasn't enough most of us live a hectic lifestyle that does nothing to help maintain good health. 

We smoke, we drink and eat far to much. Lack of exercise and sleep leads to high stress and depression. With all these factors combined and you have a recipe for disease and death! 

#diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabeteswarrior #diabeteslife #diabetesjourney #diabetesdaily #diabetic

Sunday, January 22, 2023



Saturday, January 21, 2023



 My mom called recently to tell me her doctor had diagnosed her with pre-diabetes. She’s now among the ten million Americans with the condition, which means her blood sugar levels are high, but not high enough for her to be officially diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 

The key risk factors for pre-diabetes and diabetes are the same over 40 years old, overweight, high blood pressure and family history.
My mom has all of these risk factors. Her doctor advised her to try and control her blood sugar levels through exercise and healthy eating, which is usually the first line of defense. Research shows if you manage your blood sugar levels when you have pre-diabetes, you can delay or even prevent type 2 diabetes from developing.

As a registered dietitian, that’s where my skills come in. I assessed and modified Mom’s diet so she understands how foods affect her blood sugar levels, and how to better manage her condition. She already eats quite healthily, but still had things to learn. Here are some tips I shared with her that are useful for anyone trying to manage their blood sugar.

Choose healthier carbs  All carbohydrates break down into glucose (sugar), so my mom’s reaction after her diagnosis was to shun them completely. Not only is this not necessary, it’s not recommended. We need carbohydrates for energy. The key is to choose healthier options, such as vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
Whole grains and unprocessed carbohydrates typically have more fibre and a lower glycemic index (GI) than processed foods, which means they won’t cause blood sugar to spike. A few simple food swaps could make a big difference. Here are some to try:

  • Whole-wheat or pumpernickel bread instead of white bread or bagels.
     A bowl of bran cereal or hot oatmeal (steel-cut or quick-cooking are good choices) instead of rice or corn-based cereals.
    Barley, bulgur, parboiled rice or brown rice instead of white rice.
     A sweet potato or sweet potato fries instead of a baked potato or french fries.
     A low-fat bran or whole-grain muffin instead of cookies or donuts.

Keep food in proportion fill half of your plate with at least two kinds of vegetables they’re high in fiber without being high in carbohydrates. Mom loves Chinese greens such as bok choy and Chinese broccoli, so she now loads up her plate with them. Other good choices are green beans, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes and peppers.

Then one quarter of your plate should be whole grains such as barley, bulgur, brown rice or whole-wheat pasta. The last quarter of your plate should be saved for a small piece of lean meat, chicken, fish, or a meat alternative such as ¾ cup (175 mL) of beans, lentils or tofu. Accompany the meal with a glass of low-fat milk or fortified soy beverage; for dessert, have some summer berries or a piece of fruit.

Get enough fibre, especially the soluble type (which is good for maintaining regularity and is found in beans, lentils and oats), can slow down ‘the rise in blood sugar caused by the foods you eat. Adults over the age of 19 need up to 38 grams of fiber every day. Look for breads, cereals, crackers, pasta, beans and soups that have at least two grams per serving. Mom checked the nutrition facts of her favorited whole-grain bread and was happy to see it contains three grams of fiber per slice.

Ask for help, my dad, who is a chef, does most of the cooking and grocery shopping at my parents’ house. He often cooks stir-fries with lots of veggies and a small amount of lean meat which is just what Mom needs to keep her plate in proportion. Since leftovers can lead to overeating for Mom, Dad now makes just enough for one meal for both of them.

Get some exercise! A healthy diet and exercise can help with weight loss. Losing just five to 10 percent of your body weight can do wonders for your blood sugar levels. Since her diagnosis, Mom has started walking for an hour every day and has already dropped eight pounds (and two inches from her waistline), and has improved her heart health to boot. Keep up the good work, Mom: I’m so proud of you!
#DIABETIC #T1D #INSULIN #diabetes #life #live #diabetic

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Diabetics: Diabetes and Heart Disease Link.

 Diabetics: Diabetes and Heart Disease Link

With diabetes on the rise, doctors are extremely concerned about associated risks such as heart disease and stroke, which together kill two out of three people with diabetes. Fortunately, a recent study indicates that more people with diabetes are making the link between diabetes and their increased risk for heart disease and stroke.

According to a 2014 awareness survey conducted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and American College of Cardiology (ACC), 45 percent of people with diabetes understand their increased risk for heart disease.

Experts believe even more awareness is needed, however. The ADA and ACC continue to work together to share important information, tools and resources to encourage people with diabetes-and health care providers-to learn more about the impact of diabetes on the heart.

Other findings from the 2005 ADA/ACC awareness survey show:

• 69 percent know they may develop high blood pressure

• 64 percent know they are at risk for cholesterol problems

Importantly, more people with diabetes are talking to their health care providers about managing diabetes comprehensively:

• 45 percent of people with diabetes now have a goal for blood glucose levels

• 57 percent have a goal for blood pressure

• 61 percent have a goal for cholesterol

These figures are encouraging, but awareness may not be moving fast enough to keep pace with the growing prevalence of diabetes.

Recent statistics indicate diabetes has risen by over 14 percent. The need for increased education and awareness about the link between diabetes and heart disease is now more critical than ever.

Armed with the best information, people with diabetes can properly manage their diabetes, understand their risks for complications such as heart disease and stroke, and take action to live a longer, healthier life.

 #Diabetics #Diabetes  #Disease  #insulin

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Stress caused by Bullying?

Stress caused by Bullying

Bullying can take on many forms and can be very damaging to children both physically and emotionally. Bullying is the desire of one child to hurt, threaten, intimidate, or embarrass another child. Bullying can be more that just name calling and has even moved onto computers and cell phones. Bullying can be physical, emotional, written, verbal, and even sexual. Knowing the different ways children can bully each other will help to identify and stop bullying.

Physical bullying is when one child physically injures another child on purpose and with the intention of harassing, scaring, or embarrassing them. Hitting, kicking, and pushing as well as threats of physical violence are all ways that children engage in physical bullying. Sometimes a child will demand money of other belongings as a from of bullying. Boys more commonly use this type of bullying because they are usually more aggressive than girls. Physical bullying can have grave effects on victims if it is not stopped soon enough.

Verbal bullying is another common form of bullying and girls are more prone to engage in this kind of bullying. Verbal bullying occurs when children call others names, spread rumors or criticize each other relentlessly. Even though verbal bullying does not do any physical harm, it can still traumatize children and cause them to loose self esteem, become depressed, and loose interest in friends and activities. These effects can do a lot of damage to a child, and even affect them in the long term.

Written bullying takes the form of abusive letters both on paper and in emails and text messages. Passing mean notes and pictures used to be the only form of written bullying but today, because the internet makes spreading information so easy, written bullying has become easier than ever. Children will write derogatory things about their victim online for the whole world to see. They will also use chat rooms and IM's to spread rumors and make nasty comments either to other children or the victims themselves.

Emotional bullying is another form of bullying and is also more common among girls. Emotional bullying includes excluding others from a group, victimizing others and ridiculing them. Any comments or actions that are meant to hurt another person's feelings are considered emotional bullying. This type of bullying is just as serious as any other because victims eventually become damaged emotionally. Victims of emotional bullying often blame themselves for the bullying and suffer life long effects.

Sexual bullying occurs more often in older children and includes unwelcome sexual comments, advances, and the display of sexual material. Sexual bullying is a very serious issue and can be considered sexual harassment. Children who commit this type of bullying can face serious consequences, and even be held legally responsible.

Bullying can happen to anyone and even popular, seemingly well adjusted children can bully others. Every type of bullying is serious, and should be dealt with accordingly. Understanding the different types of bullying can go a long way in preventing bullying and stopping it if it does happen. 

#Bullying #sexual #verbal #physical

Sunday, January 15, 2023



Most men are still clueless about masturbation, yet they do this activity almost everyday. Thus, when people make up even the most absurd stories about masturbation, some men easily fall into the trap of believing it. These absurd stories are often called myths which are ideas that may sound really possible when you first hear about it. However, when considered more deeply, these ideas do not make sense at all. To be able to determine whether a certain story about masturbation is true or possibly just a myth, one must know more about the technicalities of masturbation. This means knowing more about the anatomy and physiology of the most banal of all activities that is masturbation.

Masturbation, as they say, is the imitation of the act of sexual intercourse when done alone. The sensations that are triggered during sex are the very same sensations that result during self-stimulation. During masturbation, men usually hold their penis loosely and make an up-and-down hand motion. This is continued until orgasm or ejaculation is achieved, which is the very same end result of sexual intercourse. Other techniques, gadgets, and styles can be used to further improve the experience of self-stimulation. Some of these techniques or gadgets can be dangerous since it may cause physical injuries. Other than that, masturbation has no other known dangers unlike what the myths suggest.

One famous myth about masturbation is that it is said to cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction in the future when masturbation is done frequently. As said earlier, myths seem true or possible when heard the first time. However, upon deeper analysis, it is only then that the truth or the possibility of the claimed statement is proven false or improbable. In this case, it may seem possible that frequent masturbation can eventually cause erectile dysfunction or erection problems. However, when analyzed further through asking, “How can this be possible?”, it will be known that masturbation has nothing to do with erection problems at all.

First, take into consideration the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Usually, these are injuries caused by physical trauma due to extremely strenuous activities or actions. Masturbation can neither cause physical trauma nor is it considered an extremely strenuous activity. Even if it is repeated several times and quite frequently, a person’s body naturally regulates the capacity of a person to endure self-stimulation for even a long period of time. Thus, it is impossible for a person to go overboard when it comes to masturbation. One reason for erectile dysfunction to possibly occur is when a device used or applied during the act of masturbation has caused an injury in the nerves of the man’s penis.

Truth is, no matter how frequent or how many times masturbation is done, it can never eventually result to erectile dysfunction. The common possible causes of erection problems are those that will have some influence on the functioning of the penal nerves. These include traumatic injuries, highly strenuous activities, health problems such as diabetes, and psychological factors such as stess or anxiety. The best way of preventing or avoiding this situation from happening is to also avoid the situations that may cause it. Since masturbation is not considered to be one of the causes, therefore, it may still be continued without worries.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Sleep Disorders and Healthy Aging

The US studies has shown that around 70% of the citizens do not get the proper rest they need. For this reason, people are suffering poor health, depression and so on. Getting proper rest will help you keep your health in good condition. When you lack proper rest, it affects your concentration. To stay health you need proper rest, sustenance and exercise daily.

As a person ages the body goes through senescence, or changes out of the ordinary. The bodily functions start to decline its actions. For that reason we may suffer, sleep disorders, including insomnia. 

What you should know:

According to philosophers, theorists, experts, etc women are likely to experience insomnia more so than men. While many citizens find it difficult to fall asleep, some of us suffer insomnia, which is harder on our health. On the other hand, if you sleep too much during wake hours, it will affect your concentration, impair your memory and cause other problems as well, such as sleeping at night. If you get too much sleep, just like insomnia you may incur high blood pressure. Heart disease and strokes are commonly caused from insufficient or oversleeping as well. You should also learn about Sleep Apnea, which is a common sleep disorder. This disorder is harder to detect than any other sleeping ailment. Sleep apnea is often noted by sleeping partners. Doctors can rarely detect the disorder until a sleeping partner comes forward. The disorder causes the person to wake up all through the night gasping for air. During the day hours, the person often drifts into sleep uncontrollably. 

The factors behind sleep disorders:

Sleep disorders, which causes interruption of restful relaxation can alter your internal organs. Your patterns and rhythms may change often. Your bodily functions will flip out and feel confused, causing a series of interruptions. You may experience joint and muscle pain, especially at the legs, or you may snore at night. The factors can lead to high risks of illnesses, depression, etc. To avoid such complications you will need to reduce stress and perhaps seek help for your sleep disorder. 

What should I avoid?

When you find it difficult to sleep, try staying away from caffeine after 7 p.m. Avoid nicotine and alcohol also before going to sleep. If you find it difficult to drift into sleep, try counting sheep. This will bore your mind watching visual captures of sheep jumping over a fence repetitiously. Some people can fall asleep watching television. If it works for you do it. If you are one of those people who listen to music and television and it starts your adrenaline flowing, then leave it alone. You want to avoid eating or exercise before heading to bed as well. Exercise will boost metabolism. Eating may cause indigestion. 

Helpful tips:

If you find it difficult to sleep at night, try adjusting the room temperature, especially if you feel uncomfortable. Turn out the lights so that the room is dark, unless you need a night light due to consistent waking at night due to restroom visits. If you are afraid of the dark, keep in mind that burglars can easily trip in dark areas verses lighted areas. This gives you the advantage of calling for help, since you are aware that someone is in your home. If the lights are on, you are inviting the burglar to stroll freely, tip-toeing through the house without awakening you. 

This country unfortunately teaches us to run to a lighted area when in danger. Sometimes the light can get you killed.

If you find it difficult to sleep at night, you will likely need medical attention, especially if the problem is on going.

 Live long and well. Wellness and longevity

#Sleep Disorders and #Healthy  #Aging

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

With Impunity: Dana White Beats Down Wife!

With Dana White back in the news for mistreating women an old video of his mother has resurfaced where she said he's not a good person and talked about how she hated the way he treats women, including his own grandmother.

Dana White boxed his wife on camera and got less heat than Will Smith.

Wellness and longevity is also concerned with your physical health, Segway to  beating your girlfriend/wife, i.e. domestic violence.

ESPN will not cover an unfavorable story on an executive whose company is tied to the network in a huge business deal. Don't expect it group.

First, that this s**mb*g @MollyQerim who NEVER misses an opportunity to dog out Black athletes, she has her cape on tight for Dana White doesn't she?  And where is the media attention and general outrage over DANA WHITE beating his wife in public???  Now if he were black------ we wouldn't hear the end of this! Just an observation!

 Did y'all notice that #MeToo's founder is silent, as usual when it comes to wife beater Dana White's demographic?

Look at the tap dancing around Dana White beating his wife.

I was looking forward to the outraged essays and sports "news" segments about Dana White from the same organizations and writers who had so much to say about Kyrie Irving, Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Gervonta and countless others. That's fair, right?

I want something done, I'll just have to do it myself.

Has anyone heard comment from @malika_andrews

regarding Dana White? Any discussion about "power dynamics"? Or are those lectures only reserved for Black men. White gets a pass.

Suddenly they’re not down with cancel culture or “judging people by their worst



Quotes  from around the globe on this violent situation.

Hollywood Power Broker Ari Emanuel Is Quiet On UFC President Slapping Wife, Was Loud Against Kanye West:

D.L. Hughley has called out the media for exercising double standards in its coverage of UFC president Dana White’s slap controversy compared to Black male public figures involved in similar incidents.

UFC thug attacks woman at club.

That's what the headline would have been if Dana White had been black.

We're going to discuss that and the formerly sanctimonious owner of UFC, Ari Emanuel, who is now suddenly quiet about violence.

Kyrie gets a whole week of headlines, Stephen A screaming and flailing his arms for a TWEET 🐣 Dana WHITE gets caught on camera abusing his wife. All we get is he’s my friend, soft voices, and a sweep 🧹 under the rug. Y’all are HYPOCRITES!

Who remembers Larry Baer the SF Giants CEO & him tossing his wife around on camera? ESPN made sure to sweep that under the rug.

I'll never forget how 


 ran wall to wall coverage on Kareem Hunt who was defending himself from a violent SWS female. ESPN universally used "I'm white and i say so" and caused him to lose his job


If Dana White was Dana Black ESPN, TMZ and feminist orgs would have his domestic violence video playing on 24/7 rotation. The media picks and chooses who they want to be the face of brutality.


 made sure to get commentary from every last employee to demonize Kareem Hunt and all we heard over & over again was "there's no excuse". Every last feminut they had there went above & beyond to demonize him yet now they're quiet.


You had all that smoke for Cam Newton’s little joke but you’ll let Dana White slide 

That anti-Black racist punk Ari Emanuel knows how to make himself available to comment when it's time to attack Black people. Now all of a sudden he's quiet.

For all we know that kid could have been defending himself against molestation by a pedophile teacher. In my 12 years of government schooling 4 teachers were arrested for pedophilia and many many more exhibited pedophilic tenancies.

Y’all know @danawhite slapped his wife. Come on @espn @Espngreeny @GetUpESPN If that was a black athlete it would have been on every one of your outlets. Keep that same energy

This is another case that the white media swept under the rug. You also didn't hear too much from the white feminuts either. The shea butter feminuts were trying to slide in his DMs.

Masterson was charged with the rape of three women from 2001 to 2003, to all of which he pled not guilty. The jury had been favoring acquittal on each of the charges — 10 to two, eight to four, and seven to five — when it informed the court it was at an impasse and would not be able to come to a unanimous decision. L.A. County Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo on Nov. 30 declared a mistrial and tentatively set a new trial for March.

ESPN is going to defend him no matter what!!! They’re “partners” and they’re always buddy buddy with him no matter how much disgusting actions he does and how little he pays fighters, how little he cares about his own fighters, and how little he cares about anyone but himself!!

As we've always known the white media ignores and categorically refuses to run negative stories about people based on race. And now a reporter has admitted that at least over at ESPN that the reason they since the Dana White domestic abuse scandal broke, they've been told not to write anything "inflammatory" about Dana White.

ESPN has no problem reporting on UFC fighters when they make the news. Jon Jones comes to mind. Everything he was accused of was reported 24/7. This is protection by complexion.

If #ChrisBrown, #BobbyBrown or #AntoinioBrown did what #DanaWhite did, the media wouldn’t stop talking about it!! What can Brown do for you?………Be White!! #TeamDl

Well group there the old American double standard. Of those who know me know that  I've  been throwing rocks the American double standard for a long time. And will continue to do so.

My own personal reply:  If anyone tells me White Privilege doesn't exist after witnessing how @stephenasmith and First Take is treating Dana White giving him a pass, an embarrassment to humanity... not after how @espn

went after Kyire, ime udoka, Ray Rice, and others. That would be magical thinking on my part.

Think global, act locally.

#metoo #domesticviolence #wellness #wellbeing #coercivecontrol #danawhite #wife

The Aftermath of the Osirius Apocalypse

 The Osirius Apocalypse.  In the aftermath of the Osirius apocalypse, the once vibrant planet lay in ruins.  The skies, a tapestry of swirli...